Vol 2 Issue 2 | February 2013
Twitter chat with Osama
SparktheRise Leader Series: Osama shared his views on the topic - 'Rural Empowerment through Digital Inclusion' during SparktheRise... Read more

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DEF's Engagement
The Great WASH Yatra
2012 was a great year for WASH United! From the “Great WASH Yatra” in India to the 2012 CECAFA Tusker Senior Challenge Cup in Uganda and the Great Ethiopian Run, 2012 was full of amazing new initiatives that spread excitement for sanitation and hygiene in Africa and India. Read more
def publications
Meet the Tech Innovators
Platform aims to build communities around ideas
When different teams work in different locations... Read more
'Women and the Web' Report
'Women and the Web' is a groundbreaking study on the Internet access gender gap... Read more
Education to Employment - Designing a System that Works
Around the world, governments and businesses face... Read more
Evaluation study of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in 7 states
The study intends to evaluate performance... Read more
e-Accessibility Policy Handbook for Persons with Disabilities
The book is based on the online e-accessibility toolkit... Read more
meet the manthan winners
Rural ERP
The rural ERP helps micro and small businesses to run their businesses effectively... Read more
Paywast was launched as a mobile-based social networking service in Afghanistan... Read more
Quest for March 2013
Join the Red Rickshaw Revolution
On 9th March 2013, Laura & Carina will embark on a 9 day rickshaw journey from Delhi to Mumbai, travelling over 1500km spanning 5 states: from the hustle bustle of India’s capital to the deserts of Rajasthan, spectacular Western Ghats to the bright lights of Mumbai. Read more
Recent activities
CSC Organized Transforming India into a Knowledge Society Workshop
On 19th February, 2013, the CSC e-Governance Services India Limited (CSC SPV) organised a workshop... Read more
WSA Mobile Content 2.0 Awards, 2013
WSA-mobile wraps up successful edition of world's top mobile content event in Abu Dhabi. Best app developers honoured at Grand Gala evening. A Sri Lankan m-learning game ... Read more
Over 450 rural citizens trained on digital literacy programme
Over 450 rural citizens are now digitally literate within the three month launch of National Digital Literacy Mission programme (NDLM) programme in three (3) identified pilot panchayats... Read more
Community Radio 2.0
Osama Manzar, member of screening committee of Community Radio Licensing in the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, & DEF’s Founder & Director shared his views how community radio... Read more
India, the internet and the need for a government that is responsive to its citizens
It is a recognised fact that good governance is essential for sustainable economic and social development. Read more
def's articles
इंफो हाइवे पर कैसे दौड़ेंगे गांववाले?
12 नवम्बर, दीवाली की आहट लिए वो जगमगाती शाम, जब पूरा देश इस रोशनी के पर्व को मनाने की तैयारी कर रहा था, मुझे अजमेर जिला के आराइं पंचायत भवन से एक फोन आया। उस फोन पर किसी ने कहा- क्या मैं आपसे स्काइप... Read more
चंदेरी की चमक से क्यों दूर रहें बुनकर !
वैसे तो अकसर मैं ‘समाज में सबसे नीचे’ फ्रेज का इस्तेमाल दुनिया के उन तबकों के लिये करता रहा हूं, जो 2 डॉलर प्रति दिन से भी कम पर गुजारा करते हैं। लेकिन, मध्य प्रदेश का एक छोटा सा कस्बा, जहां हर घर से हथकरघा... Read more
इंटरनेट पर पहरा नहीं, पहरेदार बनें साक्षर !
पूरे भारत में इंटरनेट इस्तेमाल करने वालों की संख्या में लगातार इजाफा हो रहा है। अगर इंटरनेट एंड मोबाइल एसोसिएशन ऑफ इंडिया (आईएएमएआई) और आईएमआरबी की रिपोर्ट मानें तो भारत में पिछले साल तक इंटरनेट इस्तेमाल... Read more
भारत चला इंडिया की ओर
आजादी मिली तो भारत अंग्रेजो से आजाद हुआ। देखते ही देखते भारत विकास की राह पर चल पड़ा। धीमी ही सही विकास की गाड़ी चल पडी मंजिल की ओर। गांवो और शहरों ने एक साथ चलना शुरू किया... Read more
experts' view
Technology-led Development: Reducing the Social Gap
In a country as racist and class conscious as India is, the digital world is indeed a savior. In a society that maintains a high power distance, it is ICT that has enabled a revolution. Read more
ICT: SMEs cannot afford to be laggards
In today's context, it's a no-brainer to say that information and communication technology is critical to success in the modern world of business. With globalization increasingly... Read more
Respond to emerging development challenge of climate change and environment
was a remarkable experience being part of the Manthan Award grand jury 2012. I witnessed and got involved in the scrutiny... Read more
juror's column
A new era of digital empowerment - Anuraj Ghambir : We live in a world that is constantly re-inventing itself. The mobile industry landscape is changing with the entrance of new stakeholders and dominance changing hands across the value web. Read more
Wake up, the college radio is here
The college radio is a hit with students of St. Peters College and also colleges located in the 3-km radius it covers. "Good morning St. Peters," a charming voice fills the air even as students... Read more
Self Evaluation Guide for CR
Ideosync Media Combine has developed a Self Evaluation guide that can be used to evaluate their ongoing work. The guide has been tested and used in a couple of stations with interesting... Read more
2013 to be a tough year for Community Radio stations
Serving the special interests of different communities on an indirect platform, community radio (CR) stations play a very important role in India.Though the government has been working... Read more
Community radio in South Asia: Voices for change and peace
Community broadcasters and community media advocates of South Asia have called for legislative reform and equitable distribution of spectrum for the growth of community radio... Read more
Community Radios will now be allowed to retransmit AIR news
While airing of own news content by privately run radio stations is restricted due to its sensitive nature, Government will now be allowing Community Radios to retransmit news broadcast... Read more
Community Radio Stations to get Rs 100 cr boost
To give a fresh impetus to the Community Radio movement in the country, the government is planning to allocate Rs 100 crore in the 12th Five Year Plan, I&B minister Manish Tewari... Read more
News to know
Does the internet liberate or constrain us?
A week before government officials from around the world left for Dubai, to attend the World Conference on Information Technology (WCIT), the Internet Society released a global Internet user survey... Read more
Government launches 'My India Initiative'
Information and Broadcasting Minister Manish Tewari launched the 'MyIndia Initiative-A Digital Volunteer Programme', aimed at disseminating development messages across social media platforms... Read more
Accessible Broadcasting in India
Television and Radio are mediums to inform, educate and entertain. Sitting down at the end of the day and turning on the TV or radio is a rather involuntary task for many. They have become part... Read more
Masters of the Internet
The geopolitics of the Internet broke open during the first half of December at an international conference in Dubai convened by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a UN affiliate agency... Read more
How a fatwa stopped the all-girl rock
Following a live performance at a Battle of the Bands held in Srinagar, Kashmir in December 2012, a little known band called Pragaash began receiving hateful and abusive comments on their Facebook page. Read more
45 m people use Internet in their local languages
Whether it is for news, matrimonial services or online banking, almost 45 million Internet users have used the net in their local language as of December, according to the ‘Vernacular Report’ by Internet... Read more
Inu for inclusion of internet right in constitution
Right to internet is one of the fundamental human rights, and this right should be included in the constitution, said Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu yesterday. Read more
What's Needed Is User-Centric Design, Not Good Intentions
The inadequacy of essentials and conveniences around us results from a slack approach to both design and execution. We know we are deficient in execution, but we need to be more aware of deficiencies... Read more
Violence against women and ICTs: Map it! End it!
Any experience, report or cases of violence against women which happened online or through the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs), like mobile phones and the internet. Read more
Analysis on Indian Mobile & Wireless Market in 2012
The Indian telecom market is among the largest and fastest growing globally. With over 900 million mobile subscribers, it has witnessed staggering and relentless growth over the past decade. Read more
They make it hAPPen
Both Christin Emmanuel George and Kallidil Kalidasan are living out their dreams. Sometime in their life their dreams collided, they launched MindHelix Technosol, and they continued to dream. Read more
Structuring Of Investments In eCommerce Businesses In India
Over the past few years, business on the Internet in India has grown on the back of a growth in online commerce in the country: eCommerce ventures have delivered growth by bringing more buyers... Read more
E-version of Employment News in Urdu launched
Minister for Information & Broadcasting, Shri Manish Tewari has called the launch of the e-version of Rozgar Samachar in Urdu by the Publications Division another milestone that reflects the use of technology... Read more
19 documents available at hi-tech gram panchayats
As many as 19 important documents and certificates needed by people living in rural areas will now be available at a click of the mouse at gram panchayat offices in their respective villages. Read more
Is freedom of expression under threat in digital age?
With social networking site Facebook boasting of 1 billion members globally and micro-blogging site Twitter claiming millions, opinion was divided on whether the freedom of expression was under threat... Read more
Statement of Solidarity on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Internet Users in Bangladesh
Bangladeshi blogger Asif Mohiuddin was brutally attacked in a stabbing last evening. His condition is currently said to be critical. Read more
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