Vol 2 Issue 1 | January 2013
osama's column
Digitization at panchayat level: On 12 November, the eve of Diwali, while most of the country was preparing for the festival of light, I got a call from Arain Panchayat Bhawan, saying they wanted to talk... Read more

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Pearson Teaching Awards : The Pearson Teaching Awards for Teaching Excellence aims to recognize and felicitate the best teachers from all over India and highlight their contribution in building the nation. The Award will be held on 22 January, 2012 at New Delhi. Being a Knowledge Partner, DEF is managing the entire award process to select the best teachers from millions of schools in India. Read more
def publications
Meet the Tech Innovators
Equipping small enterprises with technology : When a medical device manufacturer in Chennai sent a wrong dispatch of contact lenses to a customer, it had toresend the consignment, which not only doubled the costs but almost led to losing a customer because of negligence. The company needed a reliable system that would track its supply chain. Read more
Chronology of the Internet in India
India's Internet user base estimated at 120 million people (or about 10% of the 1.2 billion population). Mobile Internet users estimated at 87 million. On average, Indians spend about 20-25 hours per month online. Online games are accessed by nearly 50 per cent of the users. Tablet computer sales estimated at 3 million. Estimated users of social media in India – Facebook: 36 million; Twitter, LinkedIn: 15 million... Read more
meet the manthan winners
e-Velanmai : E-Velanmai is an ICT based, demand driven and participatory advisory model in agriculture to empower farming communities by providing cost effective, high quality and timely farm specific agro advisory services by multidisciplinary team... Read more
Nokia Life : Nokia Life has been built ground up for the emerging markets. It was first launched in India in July 2009 as 'Nokia Life Tools'. One of Nokia's strategic goals is mobile connectivity for the "Next Billion" users and Nokia Life... Read more
Celebrating the Digital Literacy Week
Celebrating the Digital Literacy Week (10-15 December 2012) : Intel & DEF organised the National Digital Literacy Mission Week from 10 December 2012 to 15 December 2012 at three (3) identified pilot panchayats under NOFN (National Optic Fibre Network) plan – Arian Panachayat, Ajmer (Rajasthan); Nangoan, Panisagar, (North Tripura); and Muthayalammapalem Panchayat in Pravada (Visakhapatnam). Read more
Recent activities
Guna: DEF's next vision to make wireless community with support from Ford Foundation : In 2012, Ford Foundation & DEF decided to harness the ongoing efforts of DEF in setting up wireless mesh network in Guna, MP under... Read more
Water managers remain lukewarm to use of information communication technology : Information communication technology (ICT) has long been touted as the ultimate force multiplier of development by speeding up data... Read more
3rd National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM) centre inaugurated at Muthayalammapalem, Parwada, AP : On 22 December, 2012, Intel & DEF inaugurated the Muthyalamrmapalem NDLM centre, followed by introductory class with 16 students at the first batch. Read more
Over 300 trainees completed digital literacy journey in 2012 at Tura centre : Intel Easy Steps ,the basic computer programme is going with full bloom in Tura Internet and Services Centre (TISC), Tura, West Garo Hills of Meghalaya. Read more
Manthan Winner Saloni Malhotra Launched Women Security Site Safecity : Given the recent events in Delhi and the fact that many of us have been harassed on the roads in practically every city in India, Manthan Award Winner... Read more
DEF’s story at rural newspaper, Gaon Connection : Osama Manzar, Founder & director of Delhi based NGO, DEF working towards empowering rural citizens of the country, shared his experience at the sixth edition of weekly newspaper, Gaon Connection... Read more
def's blogs
Homeless brave icy cold, worsened by state apathy!
Hunched under a tattered blanket for a little warmth on road side or under the flyover in national capital (Delhi), a frail young and old homeless shivers day and night on a freezing... Read more
Media anchoring positive protests against sexual assault in India
Slogans like 'Don't stop your daughter from going out. Teach your son how to behave' has evoked thousands to take their anger and outrage to the streets after the brutal incident... Read more
experts' view
Changing Paradigms Reinventing innovation in ICT from Smart Devices to Meaningful apps
Digitalization is rapidly taking on the world across a number of domains. We live in a new world that is re-inventing... Read more
Hasten the Breaking of the Digital Divide
The power of the internet to transform lives and livelihoods is well documented. For most of us, access to information and services on our terms in real time and instantly anywhere... Read more
Bringing Classrooms to Life
The classroom is changing. If you’re above the age of 20, it probably bears only a passing resemblance to how you learnt algebra, or the human anatomy in biology. Read more
juror's column
Promoting the culture of volunteering - V. K. Madhavan : After a master’s degree in international studies, a higher degree overseas seemed the obvious choice. Instead of all that, I headed off to work in Bikaner district with a voluntary agency. Read more
News to know
'Start a Community Radio Station' Campaign by I&B Ministry for NGOs
The Ministry of Information Broadcasting has initiated a campaign, 'Start a Community Radio Station' specifically for NGOs, SHGs which are working with communities in remote areas. Read more
Karnataka Leads in e-Commerce, Flipkart top searched website reveals Google Zeitgeist 2012
Recently Google India released annual Zeitgeist which revealed some unique facts about online penetration in India based... Read more
Sibal inaugurates free computer course at women's college
"India can only progress with the empowerment of women. In addition, equity to women is a must for the development of the society. Through computer learning and Internet literacy... Read more
Indians win in Wiki mega photo contest
Two photographs sent by Indians have won the first and sixth places in what Guinness World Records has called the largest photo competition. Called ‘Wiki Loves Monuments 2012!’ (WLM)... Read more
Hyping one threat to hide another
A lot of global attention right now is focussed on the World Conference on International Telecommunications of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) which will... Read more
Internet traffic in India is still driven by newspaper ads and billboards: Survey
According to 'The State of the Media Democracy Survey – India', commissioned by Deloitte, Internet traffic in India... Read more
10,000 phones lawfully tapped in country: Official data
Over 4,500 phones were intercepted during the month of August in addition to more than 5,000 phones which were already being tapped. The interception is ordered by various intelligence agencies... Read more
Internet emits 830 million tonnes of carbon dioxide
Internet and other components of information communication and technology (ICT) industry annually produces more than 830 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2)... Read more
State envisages environmentally sustainable aquaculture
The draft aquaculture policy submitted to the government has recommended the adoption of modern technologies and participatory methods for environmentally sustainable aquaculture... Read more
Internet mobile users set to double to 165 m by 2015
The number of mobile Internet users in India is expected to nearly double and hit 165 million by March 2015, up from the present 87 million mobile surfers, according to a recent survey. Read more
World’s largest solar telescope to be set up in Ladakh
Work on the world’s largest solar telescope is likely to commence in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir by the end of this year. The telescope, with an aperture of two metres... Read more
Internet celebrates its 30th birthday
The Internet, a revolutionary and cheap communications system that has transformed the lives of billions of people across the world, turned 30 on Tuesday. Read more
Iran building software to control networking sites
Gen. Esmail Ahmadi Moghadam was quoted in Iranian newspapers Saturday as saying the new software will prevent Iranians from being exposed to malicious content online while allowing users... Read more
China tightening controls on Internet
China's new communist leaders are increasing already tight controls on Internet use and electronic publishing following a spate of embarrassing online reports about official abuses. Read more
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