Vol 2 Issue 5 | May 2013
Unicef CMN mbillionth Redrickshaw
Quest of the month
DEF Draft Report on 'Mobiles for Social & Behaviour Change in India' : Today, India has more than 800 million subscriptions – up from 6.4 million in 2002 - and the mobile pundits believe this number will exceed 1.2 billion by 2016.More people than ever before have access to mobile phones... Download full report
mBillionth Award 2013 Edition
mBillionth Award 2013 : NOMINATION OPEN
Digital Empowerment Foundation and Vodafone present the 4th mBillionthAward South Asia 2013. We Invite all Mobile and telecom domain innovators / developers / practitioners from all 8 south Asian countries to apply for mBillionth Award 2013. mBillionth is the leading platform to Explore, recognize & honor the best practices in Mobile & Telecom Industry across 8 South Asian countries.
The nomination process has already begun. Closing Date of application: 15 May 2013
For further information and to access on-line application form, please go to www.mbillionth.in
CSCs next workshop june 3, new delhi
CSCs: The Change Agents in Agriculture Service Delivery : CSC e-Governance Services India. Ltd. is organizing a Workshop on ‘CSCs: The Change Agents in Agriculture Service Delivery’ on June , 2013 at India International Centre, New Delhi. For more details please visit: http://csc.gov.in/CSCFI/Default.aspx
Women Safety
Know safety – no pain : Safecity.in is an online platform created to map areas of sexual abuse- ranging from comments to physical abuse and rape. All it requires is to fill a simple form about the location where the abuse occurred and the category of abuse (it can be filled anonymously as well). This gets plotted on a map and in time will create “hotspots” or unsafe areas of a city. The platform currently takes information through online form (http://safecity.in); Facebook posts (www.facebook.com/safecity.in); Twitter (@pinthecreep, #safecity or #pinthecreep) or Email (info@safecity.in). For details please visit www.safecity.in
Osama Manzar @ IIM Kashipur
Follow him @ Facebook | Twitter
Osama Manzar's Column in MINT
Journalists without identity : They are journalists without qualifications, without training, without identification and without ethics. Read more
mbillionth award nominee profile in MINT
Using mobiles phones to make electoral decisions : Voters will be able to connect with elected representatives... Read more
Meet the Tech Innovators
A website that helps save your electricity bill : "An electricity bill is a confusing entity. If the bill is Rs.2,000-3,000... Read more
def publications
meet the manthan award winners
Community Radio Mattoli (90.4 FM) - (Special Mention): Community Radio Mattoli (90.4 FM) is an undertaking... Read more
Salute to Second Innings: Salute to Second Innings is a program hosted by the Community Radio Station Salaam Namaste... Read more
Recent activities
Healthy Bond Market Crucial to Funding Asia's Infrastructure Needs : Asia needs a robust bond market that can match the financing requirements of huge infrastructure projects in the region and the growing appetite for long-term assets among local pension and insurance companies. Read more
बदलते समाज में मोबाइल का बदलता चेहरा : भारत में जब मोबाइल नया नया आया था, तब हर मोबाइल रखने वाला इंसान किसी महामानव से कम नहीं समझा जाता था। वह भी एक अलग ही ज़माना था जब लोग रोमिंग में जाते ही अपना मोबाइल स्विच ऑफ कर देते थे, क्योंकि बिल बहुत ज्यादा आता था। Read more
eNGO western India Launch event at Pune on 16th May : After successfully covering 15 Indian States, eNGO Program is here in Pune for Maharashtra on 16th May, 2013. eNGO is an international flagship programme of Digital Empowerment Foundation, for the digital empowerment of grassroots NGOs. The eNGOproramme strives to empower more that 4 million NGOs and self help groups in India, South Asia and African Countries. Login to Facebook to Read more
Community Information Resource Centre – Ratnauli & Mansoorpur :
Thanks to 'Community Information Resource Centre' -(CIRC)'s gutsy initiative, the villagers of Ratnauli and Mansoorpur now get the internet connectivity where there is rarely electricity supply... Read more
ईट से इंटरनेट युग तक के सफर से ही बदलेगी तस्वीर! : पिछले दिनों 1 मई को हर बार की तरह, इस बार भी देश भर में मजदूर ये नारे लगाते दिखाई दिए कि दुनिया के मजदूरों एक हो जाओ। ये देखकर अपने आप में एक सवाल पैदा होता है कि क्या वाकई ये मजदूर कभी एक हो पाएंगे? क्या वाकई इन्हें कभी अपना हक मिल पाएगा? शायद नहीं। Read more
def's articles
गांवों की दहलीज पर डिजिटल मीडिया की दस्तक : 13 मार्च 2013, यानि रेड रिक्शा रेवलूशन यात्रा के पांचवे दिन जब मुझसे 23 साल की राखी पालीवाल का परिचय एक उप-सरपंच के तौर पर कराया गया तो मैं हैरान रह गया। जींस औऱ कुर्ते में मोटरसाइकिल की सवारी करते देख राखी को पहली नजर में कोई भी शहरी लड़की समझने की भूल कर बैठेगा। लेकिन, असल में वो राजस्थान के राजसमंद जिले के छोटे से गांव उपली-ओदन की उप-सरपंच और बदलते भारत का उभरता हुआ चेहरा है। Read more
Will this be India's first Social Media Election? : The role of the Internet grows every election. Soon its uniqueness will no longer be unique. It will play an even bigger role in an election than it currently does. There is going to be a national election that is going to be about the Internet the way that 1984 was about TV for the first time with Congress and TDP debate. That hasn’t happened yet. Best guess would be 2014, but could be 2019. The spending will tip, and the campaigning methods will change. Read more
Right to Internet: Bringing Information to the Citizens : The best way to characterise human rights is to identify the outcomes that we are trying to ensure. These include critical freedoms like freedom of speech and freedom of access to information - and those are not necessarily bound to any particular technology at any particular time.Citizens must always check that they aren't getting incomplete or biased data. Read more
Demystifying the Myth of a Digital Antagonism : The end of the Cold War has had a dual impact on international relations. From an economic and political point of view, the international system can be said to be multipolar, rather than unipolar. The system that replaced it included new forms of communication and information sharing that defied traditional understandings of geographical boundaries and power relationships. And as governments around the world have begun to understand the disruptive power of this new paradigm, many are attempting to assert control over the global internet. Read more
jurors' column
A golden time for social techno-preneurs in India – Dr. Madanmohan Rao: There are more entrepreneurs in India today than at any other time in history, and many are focusing not just on technology and business domains but also social and political empowerment. "The shift from innovation to actualisation is becoming more and more important, not only for big corporate sector companies but for small traders, tiny manufacturers (including lone home-based workers), street vendors and farm labour. Indian civil society can play a key role in making India a garden of many blooms," according to SEWA founder Ela Bhatt.Read more
Indian local content has global relevance – Prof. Dr. Peter A. Bruck: INDIA has become a hotbed of innovation in e-content. Few other regions around the world show similar prosperity in the agile production of new formats and new applications. All around the world rich people can buy fancy content with fantastic multimedia and full of the finest video in the slickest layout. But is this the only way the promise of the information society becoming fulfilled? In 2003, the United Nation’s World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) defined goals for the achievement of a true knowledge society. One of WSIS’ core objectives for 2013 was to bridge the digital divide, separating rich and poor countries in terms of access to telecommunication and digital networks. Read more
Red Rickshaw journey special
Outcome of The Red Rickshaw Journey : The Red Rickshaw Journey provided a platform to give inspirational women a voice and inspire others across the country. We celebrated their achievements, profiled social issues and engaged the public through active channels. This reached out to 12.5 Million twitter users, 18000 likes on Facebook and 22 Million radio listeners. We raised awareness overseas from articles published in New York Times, Gulf News to Irish Times. Through the Red Rickshaw Revolution fundraising efforts they have raised INR 30 Million for 3 partner NGOs (Breakthrough, Community Outreach Programme (CORP) and AAWC (Apne Aap Women's Collective) working to empower more women across India. Read more
Meet RRR Inspiration
Bimla Devi : Activist for Equality : Bimla Devi was born in a Dalit family, considered a low untouchable caste, in the Rewari district of Haryana. As a little girl, she faced much discrimination, even being denied to access public transport and disgraced publicly. Read more
Mittal Patel : Activist for Nomadic Tribis Founder : Mittal Patel, a young journalism student in Gujarat University, joined the mainstream media to kick-start her career. In one of her interactions as a journalist, Mittal learnt about the constant struggles of the nomadic and de-notified tribes of Gujarat. As Mittal researched more, she learnt... Read more
RRR Inspiration of the month
RRR Journey through the lens
Reports / Studies
Right to Education: The Right to Education Act (RTE), enacted in 2009, has ushered in hope for school education in the country. It is the culmination of efforts made by educationists... Read more
Connected Life: The impact of the Connected Life over the next five years: Web-based course material should be decomposed into small pages that can be easily read on small mobile screens.Read more
Japan Passes Law To Cleanse Internet Of "Bad" Fukushima Radiation News: Japan has passed a law that will enable the police and contractors to monitor internet activity without restriction to Read more
Chat apps mount challenge to Facebook: Commuting on buses and trains, even crossing the road, people here in Singapore are transfixed by their smartphone screens, and increasingly their fingers Read more
Coping with Drought in Maharashtra: The atrocious drought in Maharashtra is set to break all the records. With millions estimated to be affected, lakhs of cattle rendered hungry without fodder, this drought is the worst kind of natural disaster... Read more
Digital Panchayat: Vital to Shape India's Future: The soul of India lives in its villages. More than 69 percent of 1.21 billion Indians, i.e. nearly 830 million people live in different villages. While the urban population has been dramatically increasing in India... Read more
Access of Civic Records without Filing RTI : Citizens must always check that they aren't getting incomplete or biased data. Open Data are almost always data that should surely be open... Read more
India's Super-12: Helping poor students crack competitive exams: A tutoring institution run by two civil servants in a district dominated by Maoist rebels in the northern Indian state of Bihar has given hope to many local people who are living in the shadow... Read more
Cops crack case of baby sold over Facebook, earn goodwill: In what could clean up some dirt from the collars of cops, who have been lately caught beating women in public view and bribing victims to hush-up various cases, police in Punjab have cracked... Read more
Facebook used to mobilize capital for road to connect Assam, Manipur and Nagaland : The story of construction of a 100-km road that would link Manipur with Nagaland and Assam... Read more
Partner Activity
ZMQ story on the BBC World News : Story on mobile apps in India is on the latest Horizons episodes on BBC World News.
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WSA Office: Your e-Content on the Global Stage!Find out who is your national WSA expert, proof the unique value of your product and put it on a global stage at the WSA World Congress in Sri Lanka! Read more
The Hidden Struggle of Women Migrant Workers in Kapashera : Ritu is a sixteen years old girl who has been living with her family in Kapashera since 2007. Kapashera is a town in South West... Read more
Understanding User Behaviour and Needs is Key for Mobile Social Enterprises : How can social enterprises leverage mobile phones to meet their social missions... Read more
News to know
Messaging apps continue surge
Over-The-Top (OTT) messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Viber and Apple iMessage generated an average of 19.1 billion messages per day in 2012, and are expected to hit 41 billion messages per day by the end of 2013.Read more
'hike', a New App for Instant Messaging
hike is a new application for instant messaging , and this one is made in India. The hike will be available from 14 November for iPhone, Android and Windows 7 is being launched by Bharti Soft Bank Holdings (BSB). Read more
iPhone 5S and cheaper version of iPhone may launch only in September
For the people still hoping for the Apple iPhone 5S in June, seems like that is not going to happen. The next iPhone seems to be delayed till Read more
Facebook to buy mobile app builder Parse
Facebook said Thursday it was buying a startup specializing in powering mobile applications as part of its drive to make the social network friendlier to smartphones and tablet computers. Read more
Tweetdeck for Android and iOS to be pulled off on May 7
While we already knew that TweetDeck is soon going to be dead, a new official announcement confirms the day the popular app would be then removed from the various app stores.Read more
Video game designer seeks more minority characters
Lateef Martin never thought he would design a video game, but the rising popularity of the mobile platform changed his prospects. Read more
Egypt's challenge: Free to speak
Under the Mubarak regime, the state closely monitored all forms of political and religious expression in Egypt. Now all that has changed and millions are watching a proliferation of satellite TV channels. Read more
Afghanistan's First Computer-Animated Movie
Leaving the three decades of war and destruction behind, Afghans are making use of modern technology and media to rebuild... Read more
Saradha Group scandal exposes ties between India's media, politicians
The discovery of a financial scam at a company in India’s West Bengal state is shining a light on the relationship between politicians... Read more
Google Now comes to iOS devices
After the positive reviews received from Jelly Bean users of the Google Now app, the app has now finally arrived on the iOS platform and may be out to challenge Siri.Read more
Avg SMS Spam Complaints In India Decline To 27,760 Per Month For Sep 2011-Apr 2013
The total number of Unsolicited Commercial Communications (UCC) complaints filed by consumers with their respective telcos stood at 5,27,457 Read more
North Korea embraces 3G service
Almost two million North Koreans now use the country's only 3G network, reports a blog dedicated to technology news in North Korea.The figure has been confirmed by 3G provider Koryolink, a partnership Read more
Swype now available on Google Play; Supports 4 Indian Languages
The Swype keyboard is now launched in India by Nuance Communication. The keyboard is specifically tailored to suit the Indian users, with support for four Indian languages. Read more
Intel launches PC awareness drive in India
Intel targets to reach out to large number of teachers and learners across India to spread awareness about the importance of PCs and IT technologies.To explain how a PC can change their lives, Read more
A pacemaker that can SMS the doctor if you miss a beat :
Very often, people do not seem to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack. But what if a heart patient was fitted with a special pacemaker... Read more
Puneites can now get weather forecast alerts via SMS, email
An instant access to air quality and weather forecast data will now be available to Puneites under the 'SAFAR' system devised for the city by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) here. Read more
Nokia working on Lumia 625 – the biggest Lumia ever
While most companies have the trend of manufacturing devices with big screens, Nokia was the only one keeping its size minimal... Read more
Airtel, Aircel woo first-time data users with Rs 1 plans
Telecom companies are back to wooing subscribers with low rates. This time, however, they are not selling cheap calls; they are eyeing subscribers who have never used an internet plan. Read more
Digital Empowerment Foundation's Projects
Working towards ICT solutions to serve community information & resource needs.
ICT enablement of village Panchayats with locallanguage digital platforms.
Empowering grassroots development agencies @ ICT.
A web enabled facility for micro, medium and small enterprises with a cost effective web platform creation and service delivery.
A holistic, community-empowered approach to connecting rural communities to the Internet.
Drinking water and sanitation Information System
The Citizen Media Network is an open forum and platform to nurture and promote Citizen Journalism in India and South Asia.
An one stop platform to provide information, exchange knowledge and recognise Digital content across South Asia.
COMMUNITY RADIO Radio in the hands of communities
Web based content learning and exchange programme. More than 1200 schools registered.
An integrated approach to make one household member digitally literate
Publications of scholars, researchers, practitioners works in India and South Asia using technology for growth and prospects for people.
Facilitating integrated ICT development programme to 3000 weaver families & linking to economic opportunities.
Consistently making an effort to make Internet as a medium to each unconnected masses, to create even opportunities for their social and economical escalation.
Recognising innovations in mobile technology and applications serving citizen needs in South Asia.
Recognising and scaling up digital content innovations and applications in South Asia.
Empowering a sustainable habitat through ICTs following nature's wisdom
Towards an inclusive ICT and technology for development in North East India
House No. 44, 3rd Floor Kalu Sarai, (Near IIT Flyover) New Delhi – 110016
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