Vol 2 Issue 10 | October 2013
SocialMediaAward engoChallenge Ratnauli Manthan CMN
Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) & .ORG in association with Vodafone present 10th Manthan South Asia & Asia Pacific Award. The big challenges are not technological but cultural. Since last 9 years, the Manthan Awards has been providing a platform of meaningful interaction to policy makers, practitioners, industry leaders and academicians to deliberate, interact and recommend an actionable strategy for good governance and to improve the standard of services rendered to the common man. Click here for details.
eNGO Challenge 2013 : The eNGO Challenge aspires to create an ecosystem of NGOs who are using Information Communication Technology (ICT) and digital media tools for good governance practices benefiting societies and communities at large....Read more
125 entries in Manthan Award for Social Media & Empowerment : In the first year of Manthan Award for Social Media & Empowerment we received 125 entries. The Award brings together the best social media experts in India ....Read more
Osama’s Column
The information poverty of a digitally-rich MGNREGA : Information is a great enabler for the educated as well as the illiterate.... Read more
Life of a mobile phone in india : The average life of a mobile device in India is eight years, perhaps the longest compared .... Read more
Social media: weapon of masses : Social media often works as a tool to pressurize the government on several social, political ... Read more
अब कंप्यूटर की की-बोर्ड पर थिरकती हैं ग्रामीणों की उंगलियां ! : आज के इंटरनेट युग में किसी भी विकासशील देश की आर्थिक प्रगति उसकी युवा .... Read more
सोशल मीडिया से शेर बानो बनीं पख्तून ‘मलाला’ : क्या दुनिया के छोटे मुल्कों में सोशल मीडिया के मंच आम जनता के लिए उनके हक की लड़ाई .... Read more
भपंगवादक अब कंप्यूटर पर सुनाएंगे रामायण, महाभारत के किस्से : कभी आपने सुना है किसी मुसलमान को रामायण और महाभारत का पाठ .... Read more
‘मंथन’ का एक दशक और सूचना क्रांति : माना कि गांवों में कंप्यूटर और ब्रॉडबैंड आज भी एक चुनौती.... Read more
इंटरनेट पर मौजूद मनरेगा का सच : सूचना शिक्षित व अशिक्षित, दोनों को संबल देती है। Read more
Osama Manzar at TEDxStavanger
Recent activities
Manthan Award South Asia and Asia Pacific Grand Jury 2013 : Manthan Award South Asia and Asia Pacific Grand Jury is one of the most crucial milestones in entire Manthan Award Process, which is aimed to invite, identify the best e-practices... Read more
Elements of Best Practices in 10 years: Digital Agenda for South Asia : The last ten years of Manthan Award has not only been successful in establishing itself as unique platform, but has been uncompromised for its belief and practice.... Read more
The Captain's League: Manthan Jurors’ Graffiti : Manthan Grand Jury panel is mix of telecom experts, entrepreneurs, market experts, mentors, consultants, active journalists & writers on telecom developments from 8 South Asian countries....Read more
CIRC Ratnauli: Information Empowerment for Rural India : Like other deprived villages in Bihar, Ratnauli of Muzaffarpur is also steeped in poverty. Majority of people are scheduled caste Paswans, Dusadhs, Sahni and Mahtos....Read more
South Asia Summit on Social media for Digital Empowerment : The social media, which is used often for connecting to people is transforming the world, but experts from the field feel that it needs to be more inclusive.... Read more
International Summit for Community Wireless Network (IS4CWN), Berlin, Germany : The International Summit for Community Wireless Network (IS4CWN) is a community for communities that aims to bring together leading technology... Read more
CR 2.0 workshop on the 8th, 9th and 10th December : Digital Empowerment Foundation in collaboration with Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is pleased to announce a workshop titled “CR 2.0 – Community Radio....Read more
eNGO Workshop conducted at Kalgachia (Assam) : The workshop was conducted with an aim to empower grassroots and community organization through Information Communication and Technology (ICT) at Kalgachia, Barpeta district of Assam under ....Read more
5800 nominations in Pearson Teaching Awards : For the second time, DEF, as a process partner for Pearson Teaching Awards is stepping ahead with the aim to recognize and celebrate teaching as the noblest profession in India by recognizing ....Read more
eNGO Workshops in South Africa, Dhaka and Cambodia : Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) and Public Interest Registry (.ORG) are conducting eNGO Workshops in South Africa, Dhaka and Cambodia. During the training we will help NGOs ....Read more
CMN: ALT Media Analysis
The Turbulence of Democracy : Socio-Economics and gender issues get detailed coverage in South Asian alternative media in the last two days.... Read more
Living in Sin : Before we step out to change the system, we need to change ourselves. Today's South Asian alternative media are given over, almost entirely to democratic voices. Read more
Delayed and Denied : Sensitise the political leadership to the nuances of inequalities and mis-governance. Today’s South Asian alternative media are thumping....Read more
Opportunity Knocks : In South Asia, gains of a composite dialogue and people-to-people contacts would be far more visible under a democratic regime. Read more
Ideology of a Cancer Cell : Fear has ravaged nations, and its story continues to be told in the sighs and sorrows of the living. Politics and human rights issues.... Read more
Growth for the sake of Growth : We have not done more to eliminate inequality, corruption, hunger and maternal undernourishment. Today’s South Asian alternative media .... Read more
Internet Rights
Twitter Diplomacy and “Enemies of Internet” : Tweeting is a great way to share thoughts and information with friends and followers, as long as you stay safe, keep it civil, and most importantly, be interesting. We know that information.... Read more
Data Protection and Privacy: The Right to be Forgotten : In India, there is a growing tussle between freedom of expression and privacy as increasing numbers of people complain that their online reputation is being corroded by outdated.... Read more
Cyber-spying squabbles: What is the solution? : America claims that the controversial secret cyber spying programme PRISM run by America’s National Security Agency (NSA) foiled more than 50 potential terrorist plots in as many as 20 countries.... Read more
Eradicating Ecocide through Internet : The concept of making Ecocide an international crime has been around for decades. From the 1970s onwards there has been growing support from government, business and communities....Read more
China's impact on the semiconductor industry: 2013 update : In 2004 when we published our first report on China’s impact on the semiconductor industry.... Read more
Research report 2013 State of social media spam : Spam has been around since the beginning of electronic communication. Spammers have adapted.... Read more
Internet, New Media and Social Media : At the beginning of the 41st Parliament, the members of the Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages agreed to carry.... Read more
India's mobile Internet : The revolution has begun : It's been almost two years since we published our last report "India goes Digital" where we had attempted.... Read more
Global Information Society Watch 2013 : APC and Hivos invites you to discuss questions at the launch of the 2013 edition of GISWatch, which examines how the internet... Read more
WSA Global Congress Sri Lanka 2013 : This October Sri Lanka will turn into a global hub for excellence in e-Content. The WSA Global Congress .... Read more
Arab e-content Award Winners announced! : Celebrating Diversity: this is not only the motto of the World Summit Award, which will acclaim it's 40 winners in a few weeks in Sri Lanka, but also of the Arab e-Content Award of 2013. Like the WSA, the Arab e-content Award promotes progressive e-content in 8 categories - but only from the Arab speaking world! Our Grand Jury carefully checked the numerous contestants alongside the the World Summit Award Nominees during our time.... Read more
Power surges 'cripple NSA data centre' : Electrical supply problems at a National Security Agency data centre have delayed its opening by a year, reports.... Read more
Data hackers are watching you : Spam has been around since the beginning of electronic communication. Spammers have adapted the technology of the time.... Read more
The price of creating a connected future : Future generations will live in a world more connected in almost every way, To launch a new series of Building Tomorrow.... Read more
What are Facebook and Google doing in bed with climate deniers? : Customers asked this question earlier this year when Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s lobby.... Read more
NEWS TO KNOW from https://www.facebook.com/DEFIndia
Social Media Can Swing 3-4 Percent Of Votes, Says IAMAI ‘Social Media In India, 2013′ Report
The Lok Sabha Elections in the country is going to have some company from social media. The Internet and Mobile Association of India ....Read more
Policy to help differently abled access govt websites approved
New Delhi/ Bangalore: Hundreds of government websites may soon become accessible to people with disabilities, especially the visually impaired, with the government approving the National Policy on Universal....Read more
India: Right to information and privacy ‘two sides of the same coin’
In September 2013, India’s President Pranab Mukherjee spoke about the inviolable right to privacy that citizens of India must enjoy, at the annual event of the Central Information Commission (CIC) ....Read more
Affordable internet alliance launched to drive down broadband prices
The father of the world wide web and some of the internet's most influential interests are joining forces to drive the cost of universal ....Read more
Pew surveys of audience habits suggest perilous future for news
News organizations have been confronting the problem of a shrinking audience for more than a decade, but trends strongly suggest that these difficulties may only worsen over time. Read more
Apple to enter small Indian cities with iPhones, iPads
KOLKATA: Apple may soon be slugging it out in the trenches with Samsung and other smartphone rivals as India country head Maneesh Dhir and telecom business chief Sanjay Kaul seek a rapid increase in the pace .... Read more
Social Login Trends Across the Web for Q3 2013
If you’re like 87% of people, you have likely come across the option to register at a website using one of your existing social network or email identities. This is known as social login, a technology that Janrain pioneered.... Read more
HarperCollins Joins Scribd in E-Book Subscription Plan
HarperCollins is the latest publisher to try a Netflix-style e-book subscription service, announcing on Tuesday that it has struck a deal to make its backlist books available on Scribd, a Web site for sharing documents .... Read more
Intel and Sony Ambitions for Internet TV Services Meet Skepticism
Television services delivered via the Internet by companies like Intel and Sony could someday transform how Americans watch TV shows. But the services have to get off the ground first, and there are new doubts ....Read more
Tata Docomo to expand high-speed mobile broadband service
MUMBAI: Telecom services company Tata Docomo plans to expand its high-speed mobile broadband service in all metros and mini-metros by the end of this fiscal. "The company has plan to roll out Photon .... Read more
The Faces of Facebook puts 1.2 billion people’s profile photos on a single page
The fact that Facebook has more than 1 billion users is pretty insane, but things just got a whole lot crazier thanks to The Faces .... Read more
Google survey: 37% of urban Indian voters are online
New Delhi: Almost four out of every 10 urban voters (or 37%) in India are online, just a little less than the number (42%) that are undecided about whom they will vote for in the 2014 general elections, according .... Read more
Steambox joins the battle of the games consoles
A new generation of video game consoles is on its way. The Xbox One and Playstation 4 promise better graphics, improved multimedia features and more processing power.... Read more
Social media becomes the scapegoat in India
India’s National Integration Council met in the last week of September 2013 to discuss the threat of communal violence in the country. The council, first set up in the early 1960s, gives senior Indian politicians and public ... Read more
Trai to recommend renewal procedure for DTH licences
New Delhi: Broadcast regulator Trai has initiated a consultation process to suggest guidelines for renewal of direct to home (DTH) licences after the ministry of information and broadcasting (MIB) wrote ....Read more
No Aadhaar card yet, LPG consumers worried
UDUPI: As Udupi district has been included in the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme from October 1, there are many LPG buyers who fear they will not get the subsidy money and will end up paying ....Read more
Airtel, RCom cut mobile data rates, reach villages
Millions of Indians, many of them in rural areas, are waking up to using the Internet on their mobile handsets thanks to recent price cuts in data plans by leading operators such as Bharti Airtel, Vodafone .... Read more
25 years after the ‘Morris Worm’
New Delhi: When a 23-year-old Cornell University student playfully wrote a self-replicating computer code and uploaded it on the Internet to see how fast it would spread, it ended up infecting 10% of all systems .... Read more
India's mobile Internet dominated by Google and Facebook users
Two years ago, we’d seen the Avendus report – “India goes Digital”. Now, they are back with a new report that discloses the mobile Internet trends in India. There is no doubt that mobile penetration has increased .... Read more
Microsoft's New Windows 8.1 Ad and Other News You Need to Know
Today, we're looking at three particularly interesting stories. It might not be long before Twitter goes public: The company is expected to file its public IPO papers as soon as this week, according to a report .... Read more
Clicking 'Like' on Facebook is free speech: US court
Clicking "Like" on Facebook is constitutionally protected free speech and can be considered the 21st century-equivalent of a campaign yard sign, a federal appeals court ruled on Wednesday. The 4th US Circuit Court .... Read more
Apple Passes Coca-Cola as Most Valuable Brand
The report, to be released on Monday, is from Interbrand, a corporate identity and brand consulting company owned by the Omnicom Group that has been compiling what it calls the Best Global Brands report ....Read more
NEWS TO KNOW from https://www.facebook.com/mbillionth
Hangouts 1.3 Will Reportedly Add SMS, Giving Android Its Own iMessage Equivalent
Google is said to be prepping an update to its Hangouts instant messaging/video chat Android app that would allow ....Read more
LG launches sharper-display tablet, joining rivals to tackle Apple
Seoul: LG Electronics Inc. introduced on Monday its first tablet with a high-resolution screen, joining global rivals trying to take on Apple Inc.’s dominance in the in the popular small-sized tablet market....Read more
Mobile Payment Startups Face Reluctant Indian Consumers
When Mrugank S., 33, an information technology professional in Bangalore, Karnataka, ordered five teaming carts of produce from Big Basket, an online grocery store, he chose “card-on-delivery” ....Read more
Nokia to launch first community mapping project in India
NEW DELHI: Nokia's navigation services arm HERE said it is launching a community mapping pilot programme in India, the first major country where its industrial data collection methods would be combined ....Read more
Mobile apps market in India to be worth Rs 2700 cr by 2016: report
Mumbai: Mobile games and applications in India are expected to be a Rs 2,700-crore market by 2016, driven by strong smartphone growth and expanding 3G user-base, a report by Avendus .... Read more
Android ‘more secure than the iPhone, says Google’s Eric Schmidt
Eric Schmidt, former Apple board member and former CEO of Google has reportedly once again taken stage to flabbergast and confuse proponents of logic, reason, and truthiness everywhere..... Read more
Lightning powers mobile phone
The FBI has shut down the notorious online marketplace, Silk Road. The website allowed users to buy illegal drugs and other illicit items. Augmented reality glasses to rival those being developed by Google .... Read more
Nokia Lumia 1020 priced at Rs. 49999 in India
The Nokia Lumia 1020, which was launched late last month, has been priced at Rs. 49999 in India. The device which has a 32 GB internal storage, is available in white, black and yellow colors. The device is known.... Read more
Android games vending machine set up in Tokyo
Google has launched a vending machine in Tokyo that gives Android games. The machine, which operates just like Google Play, offers a 15 minute return window giving you enough time to try the game ....Read more
iOS7 Making You Dizzy? Here’s Why–And a Fix
The Geniuses at Apple certainly anticipated complaints about the way iOS 7 looks and how it works, but they probably never anticipated this: some iPhone and iPad users are getting motion sickness and vertigo ....Read more
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