Supporting the deprived to fight against COVID-19

During the past few weeks, we had witnessed the Covid-19 cases shooting sky high and deaths breaking records everyday. It not only crushed the burdened health system but also highlighted the sheer ignorance towards health infrastructure in rural areas. To give an instant relief and prevent the spread, Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) has accelerated its ICT-enabled community-specific relief programme- "COVID-19 DIGITAL EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAMME 2.0" (CDERP 2.0). To give an instant relief and prevent the spread, Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) has accelerated its ICT-enabled community-specific relief programme... Read More


Centre seeks to bridge digital divide to ensure vaccines for all
The Centre’s vaccine policy, which mandates CoWIN registration and appointment for vaccine-takers for the 18-44 age group, remains exclusionary, but the government is trying to break the barriers. RS Sharma, chairman of the government panel managing the CoWIN platform, on May 20 said the government may allow walk-ins at vaccination centres. His statement came nearly 20 days after realising the flip side – technology evading millions in rural areas and those with tech access booking slots in rural areas depriving them of their fair share. Read More
Many groups striving to make women, children safe online
Many organisations are actively working to make online spaces safe for women, children and sexual minorities. Started only 20 days ago by a group of 10 activists, Report Abusers aims to tackle abuse on social media platforms, especially Twitter. Started only 20 days ago by a group of 10 activists, Report Abusers aims to tackle abuse on social media platforms, especially Twitter. Started only 20 days ago by a group of 10 activists, Report Abusers aims to tackle abuse on social media platforms, especially Twitter. Read More
These Last Mile Telehealth Enablers Travail To Deliver Care Despite Digital Infrastructure Challenges
Rural India has always had poor health infrastructures, and with the second wave of the pandemic hitting the country hard, the acute paucity of care resources further made the people in remote areas become more vulnerable to the virus. Read More

Exploring career through Career counselling camps
A Career counseling camp was conducted in the Ellemala Government High School by Smartpur Kollegal Centre, Karnataka. 43 students had participated in this camp. Faculty Member, Mr.Shivakumar, (MA, B.Ed) had directed this camp where he explained them to choose a suitable career path amidst the confusion about their options. It focused on helping them understand their interests, passions, strengths and weaknesses and suggested them a path that will help them achieve their potential. Along with suggestions, Kumar also helped them identify and locate resources on career information for future goals. He also guided them on preparation of the board exams, courses available after 10th class like academic courses; vocational training and technical courses and certificate courses.
A New Beginning!
The training of Google Assistant was imparted in the Raisen District, Madhya Pradesh, in which about 50 Women were trained. This training was given in the Women Tailoring Center, where women were given information on how to use Google Assistant (GA) and how GA can make their lives easier and simpler.Through this training, women learnt that one can get any information through Google Assistant in an easy way just by speaking or voice searching. So, they became curious and all the women who had known things regarding tailoring, then expressed the need to learn new designs for the clothes. They got information about their subject on Google Assistant... Read More
Digital Upskilling of 10,000 Women Entrepreneurs
Women Entrepreneurs kickstarted their digital upskilling journey with training on’ Basics of Smarpthones’. Crucial topics focused on the functionalities of the smartphone as well as understanding of the key features such as settings, mobile hotspot, camera, WiFi, messaging and more. This curriculum was taught to them by the Digital Sarthaks (Digital Foot Soldiers). This training session forms the basis for future training sessions where the focus will be on enhancing the business by leveraging digital technology(s). The project is being implemented in 10 districts across seven states. Trainings were and are being carried out keeping in mind the COVID-19 protocols.
We are moving towards an Information and Knowledge Society. Today’s students rely on the Internet as a primary source of information for both school and personal usages. Digital literacy as a part of School Education is a concurrent subject under this modern era. The core solution to the problem is to establish maximum digital hubs in schools to create an impact. Followings are the specific activities to be implemented for the project: • Providing quality content with high-speed connectivity and proper devices. • Conducting regular classes, weekly sessions and workshops • Stakeholder Engagement • Mid-term and End-term assessment • Regular Assignments Read More
The English and Digital for Girls’ Education [EDGE]
In the age of Information, literacy of English language and access to technologies will be critical in moving forward and envisioning inclusive growth. British Council and Digital Empowerment Foundation [DEF] started a flagship programme by the name English and Digital for Girls’ Education [EDGE] with an aim to develop English skills and digital literacy as well as developing confidence and soft skills among girls from marginalised sections of the society in India. Despite education being declared as a fundamental right in 2009. Read More
Potential Unleashed!
This is the story of Madhuraveni who is a 9th class student, who doesn’t have much interest in the studies. The only outlook she had for studies is to gain passing marks. But, when DEF’ STEM classes started in her school, she began to find her lost interest back. She started attending the classes on a regular basis. Now, there have been visibly substantial changes in her behaviour and seriousness towards studies. She not only started to think about her career but has also started to plan out things. She expressed how the STEM classes have brought about immense changes in her including a new motivation for life. The reason behind such massive changes has to be how STEM cultivates... Read More
Entitlement services for the People, By the People
Nirasho Devi and her family members are farmers by occupation but occasionally work in the town area as well. She has four children and all of them study in the nearby Government school. During the Governance camp in their village Beyang, DEF’s SoochnaPreneurs (SPs) registered her for the PM Ujjwala Yojana and within a month she received a cylinder and gas stove under the provision of this scheme. Prior to this, her family had been using forest wood for cooking purposes. Later on, DEF’s SoochnaPreneurs (SPs) registered her for another Government scheme - ‘Labor Insurance Card’ and through this scheme she will get benefit of 17 schemes which are inter connected with each other. Read More
COVID-19 DEF Dialogues 2.0
Digital Empowerment Foundation is continuing with DEFDialogues 2.0, a program that started last year during Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown. The first episode of season 2 of DEFDialogue happened in conversation with Mohammad Arif. He works with Digital Empowerment Foundation as a Project Officer in the region of Mewat, Haryana. Arif talked about the health situation created due to the ongoing pandemic in the region of Mewat, Nuh in Haryana. Arif pointed out that there is lack of awareness among people regarding Covid-19 virus which has resulted in rise of cases. Read More
Food Delivery Workers in India: Emerging Entrepreneurs or Informal Labour?
Platforms treat delivery workers as an independent worker, do they really do? Or are they just informal workers? Asheef Iqubbal of the Research and Advocacy department tried to find the answers by talking to different stakeholders including delivery workers and their experience with the platforms. Food delivery platforms have emerged as a key employer in urban and peri-urban areas and are celebrated by the government as well, but have these platforms have exacerbated the precarious working conditions for their workers which demands urgent scrutiny? Read More

Vaccination drives by DEF

Internet On Wheels by DEF

Support the deprived to fight against COVID-19

Digital Sarthak: A Support to the Entrepreneurial Spirits of Rural Women
By Anoushka Jha
Research & Advocacy Officer
Digital Empowerment Foundation
The times are difficult for all of us, someone is losing their life, and someone is losing their job and their only source of livelihood. The common enemy for all of us is the virus-Covid-19. In such times when the present seems difficult and future seems distant and gloomy, it is more difficult for women especially coming from rural backgrounds. Women have been discriminated on the basis of their identity, their exclusion becomes starker if they come from socially and economically marginalized communities. Read More
COVID-19: Stories from Ground

The second wave of Covid-19 has shattered the healthcare system, which was already wounded since the first wave brought by the Covid-19 pandemic. The situation on the ground is rapidly changing in terms of the rising number of cases, lockdown being imposed in an asymmetrical manner across all the states, the hoarding of essential equipment such as oxygen cylinders and Remdesivir along with the number of active cases and death rate. In such times, Digital Empowerment Foundation through its network of ground staff has been able to understand the situation arising due to covid-19 and has also been doing relief work by distributing masks, sanitizer and awareness campaigns on maintaining social distancing. Read More

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Digital Empowerment Foundation aims to connect unreached and underserved communities of India to bring them out of digital darkness and empower them with information access through last mile connectivity, digital literacy and digital interventions. Established in 2002, with the motto to ‘Inform, Communicate and Empower,’ DEF aims to find sustainable ICT solutions to overcome information poverty in rural locations of India.

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