Digitally enabling traditional weavers of Lombok, Indonesia

Digital Empowerment Foundation in partnership with UNESCO and RedR, Indonesia, convened a training workshop in Chanderi, India and Senaru, Lombok in September-October 2019, to introduce the use of simple design-application for weavers to document their traditional motifs in digital format. The digitalisation of motifs will enable them to record community’s collective memory as well as to create and test new designs for better market opportunities. The workshop was conducted in two parts. The first part was Training of Trainer on Motif Digitalization was held in Chanderi and New Delhi. Then, a four-day training was held in Senaru, Lombok. Read More

Training community leaders on curbing fake news
WhatsApp has partnered with Digital Empowerment Foundation to train community leaders on curbing fake news. Read More
Post no evil, share no evil and comment no evil: TikTok
TikTok has partnered with the Digital Empowerment Foundation to execute a digital literacy programme focused user generated content platforms. Read More
Meghalaya | ‘Survival of the Wittiest’ – Of Social media & Fake news
Read how Digital Empowerment Foundation is fighting misinformation and fake news by conducting workshops with the police. Read More
Why TikTok needs to advertise in India
In order, to get to the right side of things, the video sharing app has rolled out its first campaign called, #WaitASecToReflect. Read More

A platform to enable, empower & recognise grassroots organisations for their excellence
There are millions of not-for-profit and civil society organisations in the world who are playing a vital role in the socio-economic development of diverse communities who are living in difficult conditions. However, various studies and reports have time and again indicated that most of the grassroots organisations struggle to exist due to lack of funds, human resources, skills and perseverance. The eNGO Challenge under the umbrella of Digital Empowerment Foundation’s eNGO Programme was put into conception with an objective to recognise and facilitate these grassroots organisations doing exceptional work using Digital Tools. The eNGO Challenge is now six years old and recognises best practices across South Asia. Read More
Digitally engaging communities
Under digital inclusion, Project Astitva was launched in Tamil Nadu. Out of the six Community Information Resource Centers, the volunteers from two of them in villages like Sankarlinagampuram and Sanmugasuntharapuram, are engaged with the community regarding the government schemes and information services. The volunteers are also providing digital services like paying electricity bills online and digital payment transfers. This facility is helping the community members save time and money, as they do not have to travel long distances anymore. The services like PAN card and property certificates are also being made at the center through CSC and e-government portals.
Sustainable development through digital tools
Smartpur STEAM Labs are essentially spaces where students can create and explore their curiosity. STEAM is challenge based, hands-on, practical education ecosystem which aims to foster inquisitive minds. A workshop was conducted on October 24 and 25 at Ghasoli Hub Centre, Alwar (Rajasthan) by the young students of Shri Ram School and Delhi Public School. The purpose of the workshop was to deliver how to prepare a drone. The 20 learners were from class 10th and were locals of Alwar. It was a completely new experience for them as they had never gone through such an experience. Read More
Personality development by empowering girls digitally
T. Snehamayi who lives in Mahabubnagar, recently completed her graduation but had no knowledge about how operating a computer. After coming to TeG (technology Empowering Girls) Training she learned how to work with MS-EXCEL, MS-WORD and MS-POWERPOINT. After the training, she felt self-confident and even aspired to start her business. She further learned how to transfer money online. She is now equipped with soft skills on how to deal with different people. She will send emails and she can search any information with the help of Google chrome. She is thankful and is committed to spread the knowledge she gained.
A remote village girl puts her home on the Map
Roshini Bakoriya belongs to a poor family from a tribal area in Madhya Pradesh. But despite the hardships, she completed her graduation and is pursuing Masters in zoology. Roshini struggled to get a smartphone to provide coaching to primary and secondary school children. This led her to join the GOAL programme to understand more about the city life from influential women. After receiving a smartphone, she helped her mother and many others to operate the same. Since she belongs to a remote village, she recently put her village on the map by putting up the details on her Facebook account.
Serving the community while being self-sustainable
I am Somo, an Internet Saathi from past two years. I began by educating women about smartphones, internet and awareness about cyber security. Being an Internet Saathi hasn’t just given me a means of livelihood, but also the satisfaction of serving my community. After receiving a printer, the villagers in need of photocopies, scanned documents, passport-sized photos, didn’t need to go to distant places anymore. I have learnt and imbibed a lot as a result of my association with this project. Further, I got to teach and interact with a lot of people, which has been an achievement in itself.
Not just a smartphone user, but a smart user
Jayshree Raghvendra doesn't know how to operate a computer. Before joining the class her dream was to create her own identity. She is a smartphone user but only uses WhatsApp. Jayshree did not have any information about Google apps, online payments and other online services. After joining the Digital Empowerment’s center, she learnt to use apps like Gmail and Google. She has also signed up for social media accounts. Now she can see recipe videos from Youtube and book private bus and rail tickets online. Most importantly, she now knows how to access government websites to help in availing schemes.
Improving standard of living through digital tools
Radio Frequency Systems (RFS), a sister concern of NOKIA, conducted training for 5 beneficiaries (from Hathangaon, Salamba, Malab, Golpuri and Tain) to equip them with the knowledge of entrepreneurship based model. The aim was to encourage them that they are capable of earning a livelihood and help improve their standard of living and education status of their children. Beneficiaries were also provided with information on digital tools. A session was conducted by Teresa and Himani from Udyogini, who work for empowerment of rural women entrepreneurs. They emphasised on the 5Ws (Why, What, Where, When, Who) and 2Hs(How & How much) theory.
Stemming the wave of knowledge
STEM project, an initiative of IBM, Quest Alliance and Telangana State Government implemented by Digital Empowerment Foundation, organised a training programme from October 3-6 at Yousufguda, Hyderabad. During the training, 24 facilitators attended the programme from various districts of Telangana. They were trained by a team of Quest Alliance to teach 8th & 9th standard students in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Students from 58 Telangana Social Welfare Residential Schools will be trained by these facilitators later. During the training, Dr.Shahid Siddiqui interacted with the facilitators regarding accommodation, training, facilities and also took feedback about the curriculum.
Driving Digital Responsibility Through Awareness for Online Safety and Educational Content
TIKTOK, which is the leading platform for short form video, has formed an exclusive partnership with DEF to build capacity and awareness of the youth towards—Online safety, Digital Well-Being and Best Practices in Educational Content on TIKTOK—through comprehensive workshops in 10 states of India—Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. The partnership will reach out to 100,000 beneficiaries. Read More
Access to rights at doorstep
Rizwan, 57 years old, comes from a poor background and cannot speak. But he did not receive a disability certificate despite falling under the category of being 100% disable. He went to the public service centers with his wife many a times but was either refused or asked to leave. Our information operator, SoochnaPreneur Anjani, while surveying, got to know his problem and acted immediately. After receiving a receipt from the district hospital, she went to the CMO and within two months he got his certificate. Rizwan was elated and thanked the SoochnaPreneur profusely. Now he’ll get his pension online.
DEF around the world
Anulekha Nandi from DEF’s research and advocacy team presented a paper titled “Building participatory institutions for public service delivery through access to information in rural India – Lessons from DEF’s SoochnaSeva and SoochnaPreneur model” at the Sustainability and Development Conference 2019 at the University of Michigan. She further represented DEF at the Multi-Stakeholder meetings of the Global Network Initiative. DEF was a part of the first fellowship cohort in 2019 as a joint initiative between DEF and Internews. As a part of the fellowship DEF joined other civil society organisations around the world in advancing digital rights and freedom of expression.

Osama’s Talk at Dallas

From outside to inside: 52 Parindey

Social Media for Empowerment Workshop, Kozhikode

Liquid identities: A travelogue from the Gateway of India
Abner Manzar
Travel enthusiast
The Destination in the Journey
Travel makes one think about personal identities. “Kahan se aa rahe? (Where are you coming from?)”, a man asked me near the Beypore Port in Kozhikode (Kerala). It was a little difficult for me to answer the question. If I would have said ‘Pondicherry’ (where I have been studying for the last two years), he would have expected me to know Tamil. But since I can hardly speak or understand Tamil, I would then have to explain to him that I am originally from Delhi. So I simplified his and my life by saying ‘Delhi’. Read More
Me Too Open Letter

In the conversations around #MeToo, the voice of the rural and small town women reporters from lesser privileged circumstances and socio-economic situations, with little or no access to support groups or social media platforms have been glaringly absent. In light of this, Khabar Lahariya, an Indian newspaper, started the ‘#MeToo Open Letter’ to draw attention to the rural and small town women journalists. Khabar Lahariya is an Indian newspaper, published in various rural dialects of Hindi, including Bundeli, Bajjika dialect and Avadhi. The focuses on gender and education. Initially seen as a women-only publication, it now covers local political news, local crime reports, social issues and entertainment, all reported from a feminist perspective.

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Digital Empowerment Foundation aims to connect unreached and underserved communities of India to bring them out of digital darkness and empower them with information access through last mile connectivity, digital literacy and digital interventions. Established in 2002, with the motto to ‘Inform, Communicate and Empower,’ DEF aims to find sustainable ICT solutions to overcome information poverty in rural locations of India.

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