Visit by MILEN members & celebration of Children’s Day

Smartpur is now emphasizing on the difference which is taking place in the society. There is an inevitable change which can be clearly seen. The Media & Information Literacy Experts visited our Smartpur Tain Hub on 14th November to experience this change. MIL works on certain parameters such as media literacy, news literacy, digital literacy and information literacy. Smartpur gave the opportunity to the experts to witness live examples of those who have worked on and benefitted from such parameters. Under news literacy they met trainers who successfully conducted WhatsApp Fighting Fake News sessions in the Haryana region. Read More

Training community leaders on curbing fake news
WhatsApp has partnered with Digital Empowerment Foundation to train community leaders on curbing fake news. Read More
Post no evil, share no evil and comment no evil: TikTok
TikTok has partnered with the Digital Empowerment Foundation to execute a digital literacy programme focused user generated content platforms. Read More
Meghalaya | ‘Survival of the Wittiest’ – Of Social media & Fake news
Read how Digital Empowerment Foundation is fighting misinformation and fake news by conducting workshops with the police. Read More
Why TikTok needs to advertise in India
In order, to get to the right side of things, the video sharing app has rolled out its first campaign called, #WaitASecToReflect. Read More

Capacity Building & Social Media Workshop
On November 24, Digital Empowerment Foundation conducted a one-day activity-based workshop on Capacity Building & Social Media in three districts of Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh. The prime objective of the workshop was to increase visibility and help these weavers to learn the latest digital technologies and online tools for a sustainable development. The key issues that were discussed at the workshop included Fighting Fakenews, WhatsApp for Business and Social Media for empowerment. The workshops were fruitful with the participants expressing interests for learning and being accustomed to latest digital solutions. More than 40 young weavers participated in the workshop.
Digital Literacy for Women and Girls
In collaboration with UDW and Deloitte, Digital Empowerment Foundation will serve the information and digital services deprived communities of Delhi and Gurugram. For the same, DEF is going to implement 3 Community Information Resource Centers which will be dedicated to the local community. The beneficiaries will comprise of adolescent girls and women below 40 years of age. CIRC centres will also strive to enhance growth and development rates in the social and economic status of women from urban and semi-urban areas of Delhi and Gurgram. DEF will provide Digital and financial literacy classes, Media & Information literacy and Awareness workshops.
Digitally enabling citizens
Smartpur STEAM Labs are essentially spaces where students can create and explore their curiosity. STEAM is challenge based, hands-on, practical education ecosystem which aims to foster inquisitive minds. A workshop was conducted on October 24 and 25 at Ghasoli Hub Centre, Alwar (Rajasthan) by the young students of Shri Ram School and Delhi Public School. The purpose of the workshop was to deliver how to prepare a drone. The 20 learners were from class 10th and were locals of Alwar. It was a completely new experience for them as they had never gone through such an experience. Read More
Advancing Bhutan’s Digital Calling
Bhutan is fast on its way to becoming digital, and the government of Bhutan is working intensely to build capacity of their officers to effectively and efficiently deal with the change heralded by technology. Department of Information and Media (DoIM) invited DEF to conduct a social media workshop for the ICT officers from 18 districts or dzongkhags. ICT officers in the districts have to deal with fake news, trolling and fake accounts and they are often ill-equipped. Besides, marketing and promotion of events are not promoted well to attract tourism, which is the main industry in the country. Read More
Development of soft skills and entrepreneurial abilities
In Maharashtra, the Mentors visited Palghar, Thane and trained 20 mentees. The objective of the visit was to understand and acquaint themselves with the social realities of Mentees, meet their parents and most importantly to impart skills. This helped them understand how the visual narratives support in analysing the ground realities and why it is important to know. The workshop focused on teaching the mentees responsible usage of smartphones followed by a hands-on training. As a gesture to strengthen bonds, a set of about 25 tree saplings were purchased from the local Forest Department by the Mentors. Read More
Instilling entrepreneurial abilities through digital literacy
Jaya Vinod Pote is a student living in Panchasheelnagar Ghorpadigaon. In her family there are four members including her. She had joined DEF’s digital lietracy course and learned how to apply for basic ducuments like pancard, passport, election card. After completing the course, she and her husbund started a cyber cafe near Yerwada. Time to time she visits the center and updates her knowledge regularly. Now, she is earning nearly 15000 per month from her business. Further, she also sends students to be trained at the center.
Jyoti spreading her wings of knowledge
I am Jyoti from Umedpur in Buxar district. When I joined the Internet Saathi programme I used to be really nervous, especially while talking to new people. But as the training progressed, I was able to help other rural women also. I was able to teach them how to operate a smartphone, the internet and how it can assist them in their daily life. This helped the women in their sewing and embroidery work. Now I teach in a nearby school and earn a decent income, something which would have been hard to believe till a few years back.
Driving Digital Responsibility Through Awareness for Online Safety and Educational Content
TIKTOK, which is the leading platform for short form video, has formed an exclusive partnership with DEF to build capacity and awareness of the youth towards—Online safety, Digital Well-Being and Best Practices in Educational Content on TIKTOK—through comprehensive workshops in 10 states of India—Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. The partnership will reach out to 100,000 beneficiaries. Read More
Access to rights at doorstep
Rizwan, 57 years old, comes from a poor background and cannot speak. But he did not receive a disability certificate despite falling under the category of being 100% disable. He went to the public service centers with his wife many a times but was either refused or asked to leave. Our information operator, SoochnaPreneur Anjani, while surveying, got to know his problem and acted immediately. After receiving a receipt from the district hospital, she went to the CMO and within two months he got his certificate. Rizwan was elated and thanked the SoochnaPreneur profusely. Now he’ll get his pension online. Read More
Weavers’ Training Program at Musiri
The use of social media in this time and age has become wide and diverse in nature. Keeping aside its negative aspects, it is believed to be an effective medium for various public relation activities, marketing, brand building, advertising etc. Weavers of Musiri cluster have limited access to such mediums. Their lifestyle majorly revolves around weaving, agriculture and other small scale activities. The self-initiation to improve their product markets and self-development are majorly lacking within this community. The textile cooperative societies are their lifelines as they are the main buyers and supporters for their produce. Read More
Imagine a Feminist Internet
Anoushka Jha, Officer - Research and Advocacy, attended a workshop in Malaysia organised by EMPOWER Malaysia and Foundation for Media Alternatives with support from Association for Progressive Communications and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency titled 'Imagine a Feminist Internet'. The workshop brought together feminists from South and South East Asia to deliberate on what feminist design of the internet would look like. The importance of imagining an internet as a space, which is safe, open and free for organising feminist movements was highlighted as the need for greater solidarity and support between older and younger feminists to resist intimidation online.

Technology Empowering Girls (TeG)

Osama's Talk @ Dallas

Greening Jaisalmer Society : 52 Parindey

In the right direction
Smita Aggarwal
Director – Investments
Omidyar Network
There is no question that the advent of mobile phones has been a game changer for financial service providers across world. Through the delivery of innovative formal financial services such as mobile money, remittances apps, and others to low income populations; we have made great progress in creating access to basic financial services, connecting millions of users to new money management tools and economic opportunities. But the spread of these services and their impact are not the same for all, especially for women. Women continue to lag behind men globally in terms of access to formal bank accounts. Read More
Me Too Open Letter

In the conversations around #MeToo, the voice of the rural and small town women reporters from lesser privileged circumstances and socio-economic situations, with little or no access to support groups or social media platforms have been glaringly absent. In light of this, Khabar Lahariya, an Indian newspaper, started the ‘#MeToo Open Letter’ to draw attention to the rural and small town women journalists. Khabar Lahariya is an Indian newspaper, published in various rural dialects of Hindi, including Bundeli, Bajjika dialect and Avadhi. The focuses on gender and education. Initially seen as a women-only publication, it now covers local political news, local crime reports, social issues and entertainment, all reported from a feminist perspective.

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Digital Empowerment Foundation aims to connect unreached and underserved communities of India to bring them out of digital darkness and empower them with information access through last mile connectivity, digital literacy and digital interventions. Established in 2002, with the motto to ‘Inform, Communicate and Empower,’ DEF aims to find sustainable ICT solutions to overcome information poverty in rural locations of India.

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