Jaya Devi

Jaya Devi Jaya Devi, also known as the Green Lady of Munger Bihar, grew up witnessing poverty, hunger and brutality towards women and children, thinking her future would be no different. She was forced to discontinue her education while in class IV due to threats from Naxalites, a militant communist group in the region. She…

Bertha G Dkhar

Bertha G Dkhar Bertha G DkharBorn with an eye disease (Retinitis Pigmentosa), Bertha G Dkhar completely lost her eyesight while pursuing her Masters in Social Work in Bangalore. With that she also lost her dream of doing psychiatric social work and decided to return to her native place, Shillong. Unfortunately, all her efforts of getting…

Chandra Tomar

Chandra Tomar Almost ten years ago, Chandro Tomar took her granddaughter to a local firing range. In doing so, Tomar accidentally discovered her own natural talent for shooting. Hailing from the Baghpat district in Uttar Pradesh, she was 65 when she first picked up a rifle. The instructor at the time spotted Tomar’s talent. He…

Thinlas Chorol

Thinlas Chorol Thinlas Chorol was born in Takmachik, a small village in Ladakh’s Sham region. Her mother died when Thinlas was only a baby and Thinlas’ father took care of her. For fear of losing another parent, Thinlas would not let her father out her sight and accompanied him into the mountains to look after…

Biro Bala Rabha

Biro Bala Rabha Witch hunting is a social stigma in tribal North East India. If a child has ongoing health issues, many vulnerable mothers are accused of witchcraft, tortured and publicly humiliated. Not many women live to take a stand; between 150 to 200 women are condemned to death in a gruesome manner every year.…

Rajkala Devi

Rajkala Devi Rajkala Devi is the first-ever woman Sarpanch of her village, Hingwahera in the Alwar district of Rajasthan. Having grown up confined to her home and without any formal education, Rajkala has indeed come a long way. In the past, men in her village discouraged women from attending panchayat meetings or from even voicing…

Sucheta Kadethankar

Sucheta Kadethankar 51 days, 11 hours and 40 minutes is what 33-year-old Sucheta Kadethankar took to cross the grueling 1000 mile (1623 km) stretch of the largest desert in Asia. The scorching heat of over 45 degrees and a dislocated shoulder didn’t stop Sucheta from realizing her dreams to become the first Indian women to…

Hirabai Ben Lobi

Hirabai Ben Lobi Hirabaiben is a woman of strength in the true sense. Orphaned at a young age, Hirabaiben had to face a lot of hardships due to her family’s huge financial debt. But that did not stop her fighting spirit! Despite having a limited education, she spotted an real opportunity to generate a livelihood…

Jhoomi Devi

Jhoomi Devi Jhoomi Devi, a shy village woman, belongs to the Nibukia Ki Dhani village in Ajmer district of Rajasthan. Not too long ago, both Jhoomi and her husband travelled a distance of 50 kms to earn a meager sum of Rs 100, a quarter of which was spent on their commute daily. With this…

Sunita Kaseria

Sunita Kaseria Born in the Bharatpur district of Rajasthan, Sunita Kasera grew up in a middle class family who supported her education and encouraged her to become an independent woman. The traditional mindset in this part of the country can be very different, often disapproving of working women. After her graduation from Jaipur University, Sunita…