Mallika Hira, Morigaon, Assam
There are various ethnic groups with their unique characteristics in our community. The majority of people are involved in farming and cultivation.
There are various ethnic groups with their unique characteristics in our community. The majority of people are involved in farming and cultivation.
Our community faces significant challenges, lacking essential facilities such as education, healthcare, and access to government schemes. With the advent of internet connectivity…
In my community, we lack a digital center, forcing people to travel long distances and miss out on benefits due to lack of information. Network issues exacerbate this problem.
I’m Mahesh from Rasgan village, Alwar. In our community, cyber fraud and delayed pensions are pressing issues. To address these, I’ve waived fees for banking services, earning trust.
In my community, many people are illiterate and lack access to correct information, leading them to rely on superstitions. Most villagers are farmers and heavily depend on agriculture.
Sanjana Gupta from Dullahapur village, Ghazipur, addresses digital illiteracy and challenges negative perceptions in her community. She initiated a safety and security project
In my community, there is a significant lack of education. Additionally, we face challenges in accessing proper healthcare facilities and government services. The only government health center…
I am Asim Akram from Jakhopur village in Alwar. We face education challenges. Recognizing the need for change, I’ve led initiatives to uplift education, focusing on improving conditions
In our community, we have been lacking various facilities such as networking, online transactions, and other conveniences that are readily available in other communities.
In our community, we face several challenges that hinder our overall development and well-being. Firstly, there is a prevalent social stigma and lack of awareness regarding various issues.