Embarking on a journey of connecting, Digital Empowerment Foundation proudly reaches its 21st year today, a testament to two decades of dedicated service in digitally connecting the unconnected. In the quest to illuminate information dark communities and propel India’s digital development, we’ve been privileged to work alongside individuals and organizations committed to meaningful change.

This milestone isn’t just ours; it belongs to those who trusted our vision, supported our endeavors, and joined the crusade of making India digital in the most impactful way possible. As we celebrate 21 years of empowerment, we extend heartfelt gratitude to each contributor, acknowledging that together, we’ve shaped a landscape of positive digital transformation. Here are glimpses of our incredible community members, celebrating the journey towards digital enablement at their centers. It’s heartening to witness the enthusiasm and unity among these changemakers as they empower their communities digitally. Together, we’re creating meaningful connections and fostering growth. A big shoutout to our dedicated community leaders and the resilient individuals making a difference in their local spheres. Here’s to many more moments of celebration and impactful digital enablement!

For more information, please mail us at info@defindia.org