Dipti Kumar
Director for Digital Engagement
US Consulate Chennai
Mobile technology has made the world a smaller place. Information proliferation such as content that caters to children, youth and adults alike, has enabled an information based, borderless world to live in. No bigger than the size of your palm, these devices have brought the world into our hands through applications that automate, simplify, and engage with audiences via mere taps and swipes.
According to a Statista report, India’s interest in smartphones has increased significantly. In 2018, India will have 28 per cent penetration of smartphones; that’s an 11 per cent growth in two years. The question beckons – do mobile solutions have a positive impact on the society? The answer is in the hands of the owner. Think about this, mobile applications have replaced several other devices of former prominence in our lives, and people are constantly moving further towards digital dependency in a growingly digital world. No more running errands to supermarkets, standing in long lines for travel tickets or paying bills, or waiting to connect with a loved one.
Connectivity is faster, information sharing is quicker, knowledge is more accessible and comfort is customisable; thanks to mobile solutions available to us today. Mobile technology has created world connectivity by way of a single device.