Computers Digital Literacy Education GIrls Patriarchy Women Digitally literate women will challenge patriarchy
Enhanced literacy is helping women break the shackles of patriarchy
Enhanced literacy is helping women break the shackles of patriarchy
This story was first published in The Better India on July 22, 2016. Shiva Kumar of Vaithikuppam in Puducherry is using digital literacy to help individuals living with HIV get access to a better life. Excited shouts of “Computer sir is here! Computer sir is here!” fill the air every afternoon at the Shanthi Bhavan HIV/AIDS…
This story was first published in The Better India on July 30, 2016. Yusuf Khan, now 34, first learnt to operate a PC at the age of 16. Today, technology is an integral part of his everyday life and helping him preserve his rich musical legacy for posterity. Hundreds of years ago, Khan’s ancestors roamed the…
यह लेख पहले हिंदुस्तान अखबार में छपा थाI हरेक देश में प्रतिभाओं के विकास और उसकी आर्थिक तरक्की की क्षमताओं के आकलन के लिए वल्र्ड इकोनॉमिक फोरम (डब्ल्यूईएफ) ने एक मानक तंत्र ‘ह्यूमन कैपिटल इंडेक्स’ (एचसीआर्ई) अपनाया है। साल 2016 की एचसीआई के मुताबिक, 130 देशों की सूची में भारत 105वें नंबर पर था, जबकि…
On July 23, 2016, about 300 people gathered at Eros Hotel, Nehru Place, to celebrate innovative mobile solutions in South Asia. Organised and hosted by Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) in partnership with Google and Qualcomm, the 7th mBillionth Awards was held with much fervor to recognise some of the best initiatives being taken in the…
It is time the government delves deeper into how it can better utilize its workforce budget
Before transgenders can join the mainstream with the help of technology, a mindset change is called for
पिछले दिनों गांधी फेलोशिप प्राप्त कई नौजवानों से मिलने का मौका मिला। इस फेलोशिप के तहत उन्हें यह जिम्मेदारी दी जाती है कि वे गांवों की आधारभूत सामाजिक समस्याओं को समझें और उनका समाधान तलाशें। इन्हीं युवाओं में एक थे अश्विनी तिवारी। बी टेक की डिग्री लिए इस युवा ने इसी वर्ष अपनी फेलोशिप पूरी…
Despite the great strides taken in the field of affordable medicine and healthcare, a large section of the country’s population lacks access to health services. It has been observed that availability of quality health infrastructure confines to semi-urban and urban-scapes, isolating remote regions. In such a scenario, tele-medicine has given people of Jakhli the power…
Rahul Nainwal Co-Founder, India Fellow Programme In my opinion, social media is one the best things to have happened in the last 10 years or so. It has given voices to the voiceless. At the same time, I feel empowered to share with a larger audience what I feel or do. This was virtually impossible…