Fehmida Malik

Fehmida Malik Fehmida Malik is a 42-year-old woman from Dholka, a small town near Ahmedabad in Gujarat. People in her community, who are primarily Muslim, often do not encourage girls to work after their studies. Luckily, Fehmida grew up in a well-educated and supportive family who encouraged her to follow her passions. As a young…

Ritu Biyani

Ritu Biyani A dental surgeon by profession, Ritu Biyani has several feathers to her hat. The first Lady Officer Paratrooper from the Indian Army’s dental corps, she served as Captain in the army for 10 years until she decided to become a full time mother for her daughter. Ritu’s entire world changed the day she…

Vijaylaxmi Sharma

Vijaylaxmi Sharma Vijaylaxmi is only 24 years old but is an inspiration to many young girls in her village of Jhodinda, Rajasthan, where child marriage is common. She defied this age-old tradition and decided to follow her aspirations to go to college and live life the way she wanted. Convincing her parents was the biggest…

Norti Bai

Norti Bai Though she dropped out of school when she was 10 years old, Norti Bai’s decided 45 years later to embrace the digital world by learning to use computers and not allow her limited education be an obstacle in her way to progress. After initially grappling with the basics, Norti soon became proficient with…

Sua Kalbelia

Sua Kalbelia Sua Kalbeliya is among the best dancers in the Kalbelia troupe; a traditional dance form integral to the livelihood of the Kalbelia nomadic tribe of Rajasthan. In the olden days, the Kalbelia tribals shunned by mainstream society and deemed an untouchable caste, lived as snake catchers or ‘Saperas’ selling the poison to earn…

Sister Mariola

Sister Mariola Sister Mariola is the only connect that inmates of Ajmer Jail have with the outside world. They wait patiently for her to visit them, because she is the only friend, guide and messenger that they have.Sister Mariola came to Ajmer in 1979 as a teacher at a local institute. While teaching, she noticed…

Bimla Devi

Bimla Devi Bimla Devi was born in a Dalit family, considered a low untouchable caste, in the Rewari district of Haryana. As a little girl, she faced much discrimination, even being denied to access public transport and disgraced publicly. Bimla visualised an equal world where there was no gender inequality and people belonging to different…

सूचना-संपन्न समाज निर्माण के लिए शैक्षिक-तकनीक पर तवज्जो जरूरी

ये बात सच है कि आज का समाज सूचना का समाज है। सूचना तकनीक ही एक ऐसाक्षेत्र है जिसमें भारत दुनिया के अग्रणी देशों के साथ क़दम से क़दम मिलाकर आगे बढ़ रहा है। आज भारत में करीब पांच करोड़ लोग ऑनलाइन हैं और और करीब सात करोड़ लोग किसी न किसी रूप में सर्च…

तकनीक से टकराव नहीं, उसे आत्मसात करने की जरूरत

आजकल अकसर हमें कहीं न कहीं विज्ञान और तकनीक से इस्लाम का टकराव देखने को मिल जाता है।  दूर-दराज गांवों में कई बार मुस्लिम समुदाय विज्ञान और तकनीक को गैर-इस्लामी तक करार देते हैं। ऐसे में कई जगहों पर ऐसी सोच भी बनने लगी है कि इस्लाम विज्ञान और तकनीक को तरक्की का जरिया नहीं बनाया…

Internet impact on Indian society

With the help of Internet, some people from grassroots are helping eradicate some of the country’s most pressing socio-economic problems. They are willing to bring about a paradigm shift and are dedicating their lives to better the lives of those under-privileged. Our Team profiles such innovators who are fearlessly working towards upliftment of the society using Internet and are responsible for some of the most interesting initiatives.