Digital Panchayat

Introduction and Background: Modern society and economy is driven by information, knowledge and network based relationships. Information and knowledge is power and this leads to an equitable and transparent societal and good governance administrative system. The power of Information Communication Technology to this effect is tremendous. India is no exception. There are multifarious ongoing efforts…

The Internet Economy of India (Inomy knowledgebook 2001)

This book is an initiative of INOMY ( The scarcity of e-Content, lack of vision towards internet: a huge electronic economy, lack of guidance, lack of usable and impactful practices available in the market compelled the publication of such efforts which showed that there are plenty of innovation and entrepreneurial possibilities in every sector (individual,…

Message Of Empowerment (The Manthan Award 2006: India’s Best e-Contents 2006)

This book features Manthan Awardees  introduced for honoring Best e-Contents all over the nation. This book is a manifestation of hard works, diligent activities, ground level performances, a manifestation of instant human relationship, power of instinctive networking, promises and delivery of content for development and empowerment, and above all a dedicated compilation of dedicated works…

Pearls of Wisdom (Indian Proverb and Quotations)

(The First Major Compilation Of Indian Proverbs and Quotations Across Languages) This book presents a glimpse into the timeless wisdom of ageless India. This pocketbook contains over 1000 proverbs and quotations, translated into English from 24 Indian languages. It has quotations from leaders, poets, scientists, statesmen and gurus, and presents a glimpse into the timeless…

e-Content (Voices from the Ground, Version 1.0)

The book, “e-Content: Voices from the Ground Version 1.0”, was launched during the UN’s World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva on December 19-12, 2003. The book contains 30 interviews with e-Content experts from 30 countries in all continents. This book is the first step in producing an inventory on e-Content and e-Content policy per country.…