DEF is all set to launch the .NGO domain in India

To provide a validated identity to NGOs, eNGO, which has already digitally empowered more than 5,000 grassroots organisations, is feeling honoured to officially launch the .NGO domain for not-for-profits in India, on July 23, 2015, at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The eNGO web service package is designed in a way to provide services at a minimal cost that is sustainable and a low-cost solution for grassroots organisations.

mBillionth 2015 jury picks 53 finalists

To label the mobile phone as revolutionary would be an understatement. It has transformed lives like never before, especially for the people at the bottom of the pyramid for whom information was a scarce commodity. Never more is this transformation more evident than in South East Asia, where the mobile has allowed services to be delivered to the 1.5 billion people in the region, many of whom couldn’t be reached through traditional means.

Mobile For Social Behavioral Change In Guwahati: An Insight

UNICEF India and Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) co-organized the state consultation “Mobile Phones: A Tool for Social & Behaviour Change” on 10th April,2015 at Hotel Royale De Casa, Guwahati, Assam.The consultation was the fifth and last consultation in the series of the state-level consultations under the ambit of ‘Mobile Phone as a Tool for Social & Behaviour Change.” The consultation aimed at exploring the various projects where women, adolescent girls and youth have used mobiles effectively in areas of health, education, sanitation, environment and monitoring and training of frontline workers.

India Public Libraries Conference: Towards Digital Libraries

To discuss how public libraries can be regained as public places for seeking information and knowledge, for the first time in India, an international conference-cum-workshop on public libraries was organised. The three day event ‘India Public Libraries Conference 2015’ ( was held at India International Centre (IIC), Lodi Estate in New Delhi during March 17-19, 2015, comprising of a two day conference on the theme “Transforming Public Libraries in India: Envisioning the Future” and a day long parallel workshops for library officials and professionals.