Sunita Aralikar

Sunita Aralikar Sunita Aralikar, a 56-year-old woman is a well-known social activist for female infanticide and an author today. Hailing from a remote village in the Latur hamlet of Maharashtra, where girl children are often looked upon as burdens, Sunita has overcome many life-threatening obstacles in her life’s journey. Sunita was barely 16 days old…

Fulmatai Dayaram Belsare

Fulmatai Dayaram Belsare Fulmatai Dayaram Belsare is the first woman sarpanch representing the Jambhli grampanchayat of Jamunnala village of Maharashtra. A member of Korku tribe, she is a true representation of a woman’s ability to make a difference to the society by spinning the wheels of change! Fulmatai started her life as a destitute laborer…

Noorjahan Diwan

Noorjahan Diwan Noorjahan Diwan, today a social activist, is a determined young Muslim woman. Not long ago, she was scared to board a bus or to walk home from the bus stop alone. Married at a young age, Noorjahan soon had three children. With a resolve to complete her education after marriage, she joined Mahila…

Sharda Bhati

Sharda Bhati 37-year-old Sharda Bhati is a relentless crusader for the rights of the ‘devadasi’ women in Ahmedabad’s Wadia village. Sharda grew up in a supportive low-income family, completing her high school in Rajasthan and marrying soon after. She decided to volunteer with the NGO- Vicharti Jaati Samuday Samarthan Manch (VJSSM) in her spare time.…

Preeti Kapadia

Preeti Kapadia Preeti Kapadia, is a 35-year-old woman, who grew up in an average middle class household in rural Gujarat. Her parents were supportive of her education and she graduated from college with distinction. Soon after, she married and settled down in Morthan Village in Olpad Taluka, Gujarat with her husband and in-laws. Morthan was…

Neeru Rathod

Neeru Rathod Neeru Rathod, a video correspondent for Video Volunteers, works relentlessly to highlight the social issues of marginal communities in Gujarat. She developed a passion and expertise in video journalism, despite coming from a disadvantaged community with limited resources at her disposal. Neeru Rathod is the eighth child in a family of eleven girls,…