Developing Digital Civilizations

Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) from 2002, has been working to bring unreached and underserved communities of India out of digital darkness. DEF, an 18 year old organisation, celebrates digital innovation through institutionalised awards like Manthan Awards, mBillionth Awards and eNGO Challenge Awards since 2005. This year, DEF organised  ‘Digital Innovation Fest’ a merger of  10th mBillionth Awards…

Digital Citizen Summit

This year’s Digital Citizen Summit (DCS) saw a deep dive into the intractable online (mis)information landscape. It sought to unravel the complex strands of policy, practice, and social reality in order to develop an in-depth and thorough understanding of the complexity of an information landscape. DCS 2019 brought together subject-matter experts, academics, policy-makers, lawyers, technologists,…