Mobile is an enabling agent

Meenakshi Batra CEO Charities Aid Foundation Mobile phone is one of the defining technologies of the 21st century. It is emerging as a key driver in India by contributing significantly to our GDP growth. In fact, the potential it possesses in achieving socio-economic growth is unprecedented. The access to mobile services and low-cost smartphones has…

Celebrating tribal art of Warli

DEF in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and supported by L&T Public Charitable Trust celebrated Uddyam – Warli, a digital cluster initiative that aims to digitally empower the lives of tribal artisans in Talasari block of Maharashtra. Warli is a beautiful folk art from Maharashtra which uses rudimentary graphics for hand paintings. To…

In the right direction

Smita Aggarwal Director – Investments Omidyar Network There is no question that the advent of mobile phones has been a game changer for financial service providers around the world. Through the delivery of innovative formal financial services such as mobile money, remittances apps, and others to low income populations worldwide, we have made great progress…