Teachers go back to being students

Angaryarkanni (47) and Sangitha (27) are partners in the journey of digital literacy. They are both ad-hoc teachers at a government middle school in Manglapuddur, a hamlet in Tiruchirappalli district of Tamil Nadu. Manglapuddur is also home to one of Digital Empowerment Foundation’s latest CIRCs, which has been established in partnership with Mphasis. Even though…

Protecting child rights online

For children, the Internet is a magical entity to quench the thirst of knowledge and curiosity. However, networking etiquettes, Internet safety and online privacy needs to be discussed. According to a UNICEF poll, over 40 per cent of the 10,000 young people across 25 countries began using the Internet before they were 13-years-old. UNICEF, through…

गांवों तक इंटरनेट न पहुंचने के मायने

पिछले दिनों गांधी फेलोशिप प्राप्त कई नौजवानों से मिलने का मौका मिला। इस फेलोशिप के तहत उन्हें यह जिम्मेदारी दी जाती है कि वे गांवों की आधारभूत सामाजिक समस्याओं को समझें और उनका समाधान तलाशें। इन्हीं युवाओं में एक थे अश्विनी तिवारी। बी टेक की डिग्री लिए इस युवा ने इसी वर्ष अपनी फेलोशिप पूरी…