गांवों तक इंटरनेट न पहुंचने के मायने

पिछले दिनों गांधी फेलोशिप प्राप्त कई नौजवानों से मिलने का मौका मिला। इस फेलोशिप के तहत उन्हें यह जिम्मेदारी दी जाती है कि वे गांवों की आधारभूत सामाजिक समस्याओं को समझें और उनका समाधान तलाशें। इन्हीं युवाओं में एक थे अश्विनी तिवारी। बी टेक की डिग्री लिए इस युवा ने इसी वर्ष अपनी फेलोशिप पूरी…

eNGO join hands for Social Good in Chandigarh

Taking further its objective of enhancing grassroots organisations’ online presence, visibility and reach, DEF’s eNGO Programme organised a two-day Multi Stakeholder Capacity Building and Skill Development Workshop in Chandigarh on June 23-24, 2016. Held at the Punjab University campus, the workshop saw a mix of around 75 participants representing NGOs, panchayats and academicians taking keen…

Off the beaten track

Twenty-two-year-old Malhar Indulkar lives on the banks of Vashishti in Maharashtra’s coastal Konkan region. When he realized that industrial waste and pollutants were affecting the river’s fauna, he put his energies into conserving otters which eat up sick fish, thereby restricting the spread of infections. A man in his early 30s, Brijendra Prajapati, is trying…