By Arpita Kanjilal, Fellowship Anchor & Facilitator

Published on: July 8, 2024

Founded in 2002, Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) has been dedicated to enhancing digital capacities, access, and rights for marginalised and underserved regions and communities in India. DEF’s initiatives span education, entrepreneurship, livelihood, health, agriculture, and more, with a particular focus on digital empowerment of women and youth. Through a robust network of 10,000 grassroots leaders, DEF has reached more than 2,000 locations across over 200 districts in 26 states of India. Building on this extensive work in bridging the digital divide in India in more than two decades, DEF identified a critical gap: the lack of institutions offering fellowships, courses, or specialised training for youth in the digital domain, especially focused on addressing the barriers hindering rural development. 

To bridge this gap and build a generation of experts in the digital and development sector, DEF launched the Digital Swaraj Fellowship. This program equips young individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to drive digital empowerment. Through grassroots exposure, skill-building, and mentorship, fellows are prepared for careers in the digital and development sectors. 

The digital landscape in India remains skewed, not just in terms of access but also in its design, often failing to meet the diverse needs of its population. India is still on the journey towards becoming a truly digital society. ‘Swaraj’ means self-governance, and achieving complete self-governance in the digital realm is the essence of ‘Digital Swaraj.’ It aims to connect people digitally in a meaningful, effective, and efficient manner, while upholding their rights and privacy. It seeks to democratically connect people under constitutional guidelines and enable them to use digital tools consciously for their needs, rights, and development. 

The fellowship spans a duration of one year, during which fellows are expected to immerse themselves in projects that bridge learning, experience, employment, and entrepreneurship. The year-long fellowship journey begins with a ten-day Orientation Workshop to prepare fellows for a year of digital empowerment work. This is followed by a one-month Rural Immersion, offering hands-on experience and engagement with community members and SoochnaPreneur centers to understand the rural digital landscape. Over the next nine months during the Experiential Learning Phase, fellows work on diverse projects and initiatives at the intersection of digital. The fellowship program includes training in project management, monitoring and evaluation, research and advocacy on digital rights, and workshops on digital culture, society, and governance. Throughout the fellowship, fellows experience personal and professional growth by adapting to diverse cultural contexts and addressing community needs.  

With the stated objectives, the Digital Swaraj Fellowship aspires to create a generation of experts and leaders in the digital domain, enabling integration with communities and creating sustainable and digitally empowered society.  

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