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About GyanPedia:

Gyanpedia is an online digital content repository truely generated by children and teachers of rural government schools across India.Gyanpedia is an initiative of Digital Empowerment Foundation with whole hearted support from Media Lab Asia, to create a Comprehensive, multilingual, dynamic virtual platform for country wide content exchange program for the learning community – children as well as teachers.This will facilitate learning and sharing and thereby boost e-learning and e-education processes. This will contribute towards India emerging a knowledge society and preserve the local knowledge as well. It provides free access to online knowledge portal and educational platform. It is an interactive mode of education which provides basic computer education training and certification for students and teachers as well. It also works as an online educational digital content library and a medium for easy access to educational information and resource agencies for the Schools. It promotes the joy of creativity among children, provides a platform for child’s expression, and facilitates interaction of the child with world around.

Features of GyanPedia Portal:

1. Popular Videos:
The portal has archived many videos, images which uses these medium for children’s interactive learning and to enhance the ability to anticipate.

2. Core Subjects:
GyanPedia is a an open learning platform with an mission to create as much learning communities for children and teachers fraternity. Therefore, the portal enables teachers and children to write and post as many topics for subjects of interest. The included subjects at moment are:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Math
  • Physics
  • Social Science

3. Interesting Topics includes:

  • Computer
  • Culture
  • Electronics
  • Environment
  • Famous People
  • General Topics
  • Major Inventions
  • Poems
  • Sports
  • Tourism
  • Universe

4. Students Panel:

  • Career Center
  • Educational Resources
  • Help Line
  • Kids Learning Zone
  • Online Tutorial
  • Study Corner

5. Teachers Panel

  • Government Schemes
  • Learning Opportunities
  • Recruitment
  • Success Issues
  • Teacher Trainings
  • Teachers Corner

6. Parents Panel

  • Baby Names
  • Grown-Up Issues
  • Parenting Tips
  • Teen Section
  • Your Concerns

7. Information

  • Education Facilitators
  • Govt. Schemes
  • Indian Curriculum
  • Indian Schooling
  • My India
  • Working NGOs

8. Reference Zone

  • Amazing Facts
  • Current Affairs
  • Hot Topics
  • Things to Read

9. How do I Find

  • Dictionary
  • Model Papers
  • Online Testing
  • Puzzle / Quiz
  • Result on Net
  • Tips for Exams