About ICT4D Publications

Information and Communication Technology for Development is a Research and Publication Unit of Digital Empowerment Foundation which publishes about the best practices, services and contributions of ICT for development purpose use by grassroots organization, idea and innovation bought from case studies, research experts etc. Publications of scholars, researchers, practitioners works in India and South Asia using technology for growth and prospects for people.

Publications should include writings for governance approach and sustainable growth in the fields of:

  • Community Broadcasting
  • e-Business
  • e-Culture & Entertainment
  • e-Education
  • e-Enterprise & Livelihood
  • e-Government
  • e-Health
  • e-Learning
  • e-Localisation
  • e-News
  • e-Science & Environment
  • m-Content
  • Any other content applications having development impact

Scope of Work:
The following shall be considered as selection criteria of content applications and projects:

  • Replication
  • Sustainability
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Speed of service delivery
  • Participation
  • Transparency & accountability
  • Business Model
  • Community participation
  • Linkages with existing schemes for citizens

Who can write to us:

Anybody you have any written note for research based on case studies or for research itself in any format (digital or non-digital) can write to us. We at Digital Empowerment Foundation will get it published and promote your research work.

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Write to osamam@gmail.com or defindia@gmail.com to share your work or for any related queries.