In my community, there are many issues, such as the lack of access to online services due to the distance of cyber cafes. Women and girls also face difficulties in filling out forms because of the distance. To get forms made, one has to travel a bit, and there’s still not enough awareness about education. Women and girls still don’t know how to take care of their health during menstruation. However, things are improving, whether it’s related to education or women and girls’ issues, as organizations like Milaan Foundation and DEF are working on it.
In 2021-22, I was selected as a ‘Girl Icon’ by the Milaan Foundation, after passing four test exams. After becoming a Girl Icon, I’ve engaged in various social activities, such as providing free education to girls, teaching them about hygiene during menstruation, and raising awareness on educational topics through dramas in front of 300-400 people.
Later, I trained 20 girls in leadership in my community, teaching them how to take charge of their own affairs. Today, all these girls are providing free education to girls in our community. I’ve been working with both Milaan Foundation and DEF in the social sector for the past five years and continue to do so. I’ve worked on issues related to girls and women, such as menstruation, education, social awareness campaigns, early child marriage, early child pregnancy, women’s careers, women’s health and fundamental rights, decision-making ability, and COVID-19 awareness through DEF. I’ve also worked on raising awareness with men on these issues.