Priya is using the resources and knowledge of the DiGI centre in her village to upgrade her skills and explore entrepreneurship.
Priya, a 28-year-old housewife and mother of three from Mettupatti village in Salem, had long harbored a passion to learn something new and earn an income on her own. Despite only having completed her 12th standard education, Priya’s desire for self-sufficiency and personal growth was always strong. However, she faced challenges in taking steps toward independence.
Priya’s journey took a transformative turn when she learned about the DiGI project in her village. This project offered her an opportunity to gain training in tailoring and weaving, as well as access to digital education and resources. Although initially hesitant, Priya decided to embrace the chance and explore this new avenue.
Priya began attending the DiGI center after her children’s school hours. At the center, she received training in tailoring and weaving, which allowed her to gain valuable skills. Priya’s confidence grew as she practiced her new craft, envisioning a future where she could earn an income from her talents.
In addition to learning traditional skills, Priya understood the importance of digital literacy for herself and her children. She began bringing her kids to the center, where they learned the basics of computer use. This scene of Priya working on the handloom outside while her children learned inside the center room illustrated the intergenerational impact of the project.
As Priya’s confidence and skills blossomed, she became more determined to pursue her passion as a profession. She now aspires to have her own sewing machine and start her own tailoring and weaving business. Priya is excited to contribute to her family’s income, particularly toward her children’s education.
Priya’s story demonstrates how learning knows no age limit and how projects like DiGI can empower individuals, especially women, to step out of their traditional roles and create their own identities. Priya’s transformation is a testament to the impact of providing access to training and resources in rural areas.
Priya herself best captures the essence of her journey: “It’s important for a woman to earn on her own and be active. I always envisioned myself like that. Coming to the center makes me feel I can achieve it too.” Priya’s journey not only reflects her personal growth but also inspires others in her community to follow in her footsteps and seek opportunities for learning and empowerment.
Priya’s story is a powerful example of how providing women with access to education and training can lead to personal transformation and economic empowerment. Through her newfound skills and confidence, Priya is paving the way for a brighter future for herself and her family.