In the village, we face numerous challenges, including water scarcity, frequent power outages, inadequate educational facilities for children and a lack of basic infrastructure like proper roads etc. The absence of these amenities not only hampers our mobility but also poses a risk to our health and safety.
In response to these challenges, we, particularly women, have taken initiative to empower ourselves. Through various training programs facilitated by organizations like DEF, we have learned essential skills such as operating mobile phones, using WhatsApp, creating PDF files, and managing social media platforms like Facebook. This newfound knowledge has not only enhanced our digital literacy but also opened up opportunities for us to save money and manage our finances more effectively.
Furthermore, women in our village have also learned the importance of financial literacy, including saving money and signing documents. Previously, many women were unaware of how to sign documents, but now, they have gained confidence in handling such tasks, contributing to their overall empowerment and financial independence.