The flag bearers of the Digital Didi program are usually multi-tasking driven women from the local villages who find innovative ways to spread awareness about menstrual hygiene.
Many awareness programs launched by DEF have proven to be successful mainly because of the advocacy of the SoochnaPreneurs who have connected with the intent and understood it thoroughly. The chosen local changemakers drive the initiatives further in ways tailored to reach out to people in their own communities.
Alpna Sharma is one such SoochnaPreneur who has been associated with DEF for the past three years. She lives in Kumbhraj Nagar Palika of Guna district, Madhya Pradesh along with her family. Her physical disability has never hindered her in being able to complete her post graduation. She started working with DEF through the Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) initiative and found it fulfilling to continue working in various other programs. She runs a SoochnaPreneur centre of her own. She is also well known within her village as she runs a shop that sells cosmetics and accessories for women.
She has been a strong advocate of menstrual hygiene starting with her own nieces who help her with her shop. Although she works very hard towards improving her business, she never misses any opportunities to support the program. She has dedicated an entire shelf in her shop to encourage women to use reusable sanitary napkins which have access to digital tools through a QR code, called Smartpads.
Donning multiple hats of being a successful entrepreneur, an advocate of menstrual hygiene and being socially active comes with its own challenges especially to someone with physical disabilities and health constraints which she is managing well by finding alternative ways to expand her reach to spread the awareness. She continues to strive towards growing sustainably and ensuring that the society is also headed in the same direction.