DEF takes pride in expanding its family who always add more colours to the initiatives and help in reaching out more. Training and Capacity building is also a very integral part of every project as DEF curates them to have a long term impact on the lives of people and the society as a whole.
SoochnaPreneur (SP) program has grown over the years and the training has become more refined along the way. It is always exciting and an opportunity to revisit the program’s vision when the orientation sessions are conducted to the new team members. It also brings in fresh perspective and diversity into the ethos of DEF.
As a part of the OAK project, being monitored and implemented by Swaniti and Digital Empowerment Foundation, a four-day orientation training program was held at Madarihat. The training of the SoochnaPrenuers was facilitated from 4th January to 7th January 2023. All SPs from four districts (Darjeeling Jalpaiguri, Alipurduar and Cooch Behar) attended the orientation training. The team members of Swaniti and DEF were also present to show support.
After the registration and brief introduction about the project and organisation’s work in the field of digitalization, the roles and responsibilities of the SoochnaPrenuers were discussed. Since they are the catalyst to the process of digital empowerment for the unconnected in rural areas, it was highlighted during the session. The discussion was further about the schemes and entitlements provided by the government and how SP’s should reach out to the community. The SP’s also discussed the challenges and possible solutions for the work.
Orientation was further directed towards the ways to increase business in the tea garden areas, issues related to the trade licence and support. An in depth session and training was conducted on the different portals through which services are provided like, E District, PAN Application, Aadhar, Insurance, CSC, Voter Card, Online Application, Govt. Scheme, etc.
MeraApp training was conducted for all the SP’s and their queries and doubts were resolved. Towards the end of the training, assets were distributed to the SP’s which would be used to run their centre. Hopefully we will get to share many interesting stories in the editions to follow around the enterprises of these new SoochnaPreneurs!